(1) As soon as practicable after the end of each calendar year, the Chief Commissioner of Police must submit a report to the Minister for Police and Emergency Services that includes the following information—
(a) the number of certificates of health and safety destruction or disposal which are provided to the Chief Commissioner of Police under section 93 ; and
(b) any other information relating to the seizure, disposal and destruction of things referred to in section 91(1)(b) that the Minister considers appropriate.
(2) The Minister for Police and Emergency Services must cause a report under subsection (1) to be laid before each House of the Parliament within 12 sitting days of that House after it is received by the Minister.
Ss 97–101 repealed by No. 10002 s. 7(1).
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Pt 6A (Heading and ss 97, 98) inserted by No. 9/2014 s. 8.
Part VIA—Declared testing facilities
New s. 97
inserted by No. 9/2014 s. 8.