(1) If a matter has been referred to the Tribunal under section 139(2)(c), the Tribunal must conduct an inquiry into the matter and, if satisfied that a person has contravened this Act in respect of the referred matter, may make either or both of the following orders—
(a) an order that the person refrain from acting in contravention of this Act;
(b) an order that the person do anything specified in the order with a view to eliminating future contravention of this Act or redressing circumstances that have arisen from the contravention.
(2) Subject to this Act, the Tribunal may conduct an inquiry into a matter referred to it under section 139(2)(c) in the manner it thinks fit.
(3) The Commission may be a party to any proceeding referred to the Tribunal under section 139(2)(c).
(4) In addition to any other party, a person who is alleged to have contravened this Act in relation to the subject matter of the inquiry is a party to the inquiry.
S. 142 substituted by No. 26/2011 s. 21.