S. 58(1) substituted by No. 26/2011 s. 13(1).
(1) A person may discriminate against another person on the basis of the other person's disability in relation to any premises or facilities in the premises that the public or a section of the public is entitled or allowed to enter or use (whether or not for payment) if—
(a) the person could not reasonably be expected to avoid the discrimination; or
(b) the discrimination is permitted under subsection (3).
(2) In determining whether the person could be reasonably expected to avoid the discrimination, all relevant facts and circumstances must be considered, including—
S. 58(2)(a) amended by No. 26/2011 s. 34(Sch. item 3.27).
(a) the circumstances of the person with the disability, including the nature of his or her disability; and
(b) the nature of the measures required to provide or allow access to or use of the premises or facilities in the premises; and
(c) the financial circumstances of the person; and
(d) the consequences for the person of avoiding the discrimination; and
S. 58(2)(e) amended by No. 26/2011 ss 13(2)(a), 34(Sch. item 3.27).
(e) the consequences for the person with the disability of the person not avoiding the discrimination.
S. 58(2)(f) repealed by No. 26/2011 s. 13(2)(b).
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S. 58(3) inserted by No. 26/2011 s. 13(3).
(3) A person may discriminate against another person on the basis of the other person's disability in relation to any premises or facilities in the premises that the public or a section of the public is entitled or allowed to enter or use (whether or not for payment) to the extent that—
(a) the premises or facilities comply with, or are exempted from compliance with, a relevant disability standard made under the Disability Discrimination Act 1992 of the Commonwealth in relation to the subject matter of the discrimination; or
(b) if the discrimination relates to a building or land on which the premises or facilities are situated—
(i) a determination has been made under section 160B of the Building Act 1993 in relation to that building or land, in relation to the subject matter of discrimination; and
(ii) the person complies with the determination.
S. 58A inserted by No. 26/2011 s. 14.