(1) A notice of an application given to a party to the application must include the following—
(a) a copy of the application and
any information filed in support of the application, subject to clause 37A of
Part 9 of Schedule 1 to the VCAT Act;
Clause 37A of Part 9 of Schedule 1 to the VCAT Act provides that a person may make an application to the principal registrar of VCAT that any documents lodged in relation to a proceeding under this Act not be disclosed to a specified person or class of persons.
(b) the names of—
(i) the parties to the proceeding on an application under section 101; and
(ii) the other persons entitled to the notice under section 102;
(c) information about the rights of the party in relation to the application.
(2) A notice of an application given to a person referred to in section 102 who is not a party to the application must include the following—
(a) a copy of the application;
(b) the names of—
(i) the parties to the proceeding; and
(ii) the other persons entitled to the notice under section 102;
(c) information about the rights of the person to seek information about the application;
(d) information about how to apply to VCAT to be made a party to the proceeding on the application.