(1) The Governor in Council, on the recommendation of the Minister, may appoint eligible persons as sessional commissioners.
(2) The appointment of a sessional commissioner is to be on a part-time or daily basis, on the terms and conditions determined by the Governor in Council.
(3) A sessional commissioner may be appointed—
(a) for a specific period; or
(b) for a specific matter.
(4) If the instrument of appointment of a sessional commissioner specifies that the commissioner is appointed for the purposes of a specific matter, the commissioner—
(a) must be allocated to that matter; and
(b) may perform the functions of a commissioner only in relation to that matter.
(5) If a sessional commissioner is appointed for a specified period without a specified purpose as set out in subsection (3)—
(a) the Chairperson may allocate the sessional commissioner to a matter as the Chairperson sees fit; and
(b) the sessional commissioner may perform the functions of a commissioner in relation to that matter.
S. 172L inserted by No. 26/2022 s. 22.