For the purposes of this Act, evidence of any of the following factors, which may occur inside, or a place outside a licensed premises that is sufficiently proximate to, that premises, are taken to constitute evidence of detraction from, or detriment to, the amenity of the area in which the licensed premises is situated—
(a) violent behaviour;
(b) drunkenness;
(c) vandalism;
(d) using profane, indecent or obscene language;
(e) using threatening, abusive or insulting language;
(f) behaving in a riotous, indecent, offensive or insulting manner;
(g) disorderly behaviour;
(h) causing nuisance;
(i) noise disturbance to occupiers of other premises;
(j) obstructing a footpath, street or road;
(k) littering.
S. 3AB inserted by No. 8/2006 s. 5.