(1) If the Chief Municipal Inspector conducts an investigation on a public interest complaint, the Chief Municipal Inspector must inform the person who made the complaint (unless the complaint was made anonymously) of—
(a) the result of the investigation; and
(b) any other information that the Chief Municipal Inspector thinks proper.
(2) The Chief Municipal Inspector must not disclose any information under this section if the Chief Municipal Inspector considers that the disclosure of the information would—
(a) not be in the public interest or in the interests of justice; or
(b) put a person's safety at risk; or
(c) cause unreasonable damage to a person's reputation; or
(d) prejudice any criminal proceedings or criminal investigations, or investigations by the Ombudsman, the IBAC, the Victorian Inspectorate or the Chief Municipal Inspector; or
(e) otherwise contravene any applicable statutory secrecy obligations or involve the unreasonable disclosure of information relating to the personal affairs of any person.