(1) The Minister may by a public notice published in the Government Gazette constitute a restructuring advisory panel to review a matter under section 235.
S. 239(1A) inserted by No. 23/2024 s. 32.
(1A) The Minister may by instrument appoint any person, on the terms and conditions specified in the instrument, to be a member of a restructuring advisory panel.
(2) In conducting a review, a restructuring advisory panel must—
(a) consider the views of any Council affected by the matter under consideration; and
(b) ensure that a process of community engagement is followed; and
(c) comply with any direction specified by the Minister in the notice constituting the restructuring advisory panel; and
(d) otherwise conduct the review in a manner that the restructuring advisory panel considers appropriate.
(3) The restructuring advisory panel must consider the following matters before recommending to the Minister that a new Council should be created—
(a) whether each Council affected by the creation of the new Council and the new Council will be viable and sustainable as separate entities;
(b) whether the allocation of revenue and expenditure between each Council affected by the creation of the new Council and the new Council will be equitable for the municipal community of each Council;
(c) whether the views of the municipal communities affected by the creation of the new Council have been taken into consideration;
(d) whether the new Council will have sufficient financial capacity to provide the municipal community with a comprehensive range of municipal services and to undertake necessary investment in infrastructure;
(e) any other matter specified in the notice published under subsection (1).
(4) A restructuring advisory panel must submit a
final report to the Minister within the period specified by the Minister in
the notice constituting the restructuring advisory panel.
Part 8—Electoral provisions
Division 1—Voters