(1) A Council must include an election period policy in its Governance Rules.
(2) An election period policy must prohibit any Council decision during the election period for a general election that—
(a) relates to the appointment or remuneration of the Chief Executive Officer but not to the appointment or remuneration of an Acting Chief Executive Officer; or
(b) commits the Council to expenditure exceeding one per cent of the Council's income from general rates, municipal charges and service rates and charges in the preceding financial year; or
(c) the Council considers could be reasonably deferred until the next Council is in place; or
(d) the Council considers should not be made during an election period.
(3) An election period policy must prohibit any Council decision during the election period for a general election or a by-election that would enable the use of Council's resources in a way that is intended to influence, or is likely to influence, voting at the election.
(4) A Council decision made in contravention of subsection (2)(a) or (b) is invalid.
(5) Any person who suffers any loss or damage as a result of acting in good faith on a Council decision that is invalid by virtue of subsection (4) is entitled to compensation from the Council for that loss or damage.
See section 59 in relation to a resolution of the Council.