(1) The Minister upon—
(a) receiving a plan of survey of a portion of the land known as Public Park Reserve signed by the Surveyor-General; and
(b) being satisfied that the land described in the plan of survey corresponds as nearly as practicable with the land shown horizontally hatched in the plan in Part 4 of the Schedule—
may recommend to the Governor in Council that the land shown in the plan of survey be excised from the reservation of the land known as Public Park Reserve.
(2) Upon receiving the Minister's recommendation, the Governor in Council may, by proclamation published in the Government Gazette, revoke the Order in Council of 13 September 1950 so far as it relates to the land shown on the plan of survey.
(3) Upon publication of the proclamation under subsection (2) in the Government Gazette—
(a) the land reverts to the Crown as unalienated Crown land, freed and discharged from all trusts, limitations, reservations, restrictions, encumbrances, charges, leases, licences, estates and interests; and
(b) the land is deemed to be temporarily reserved under section 4(1) of the Crown Land (Reserves) Act 1978 for public purposes, being in particular, the purposes of the national tennis centre.
(4) For the purposes of this section the land known as Public Park Reserve means the land the title particulars of which are described in paragraph 3 of Part 1 of the Schedule, except that the reference to Part II in that paragraph is deemed to be a reference to Part 4.
S. 25E inserted by No. 42/1998
s. 5.