In this Act—
S. 3 def. of authorised officer repealed by No. 81/2000 s. 4(2).
* * * * *
S. 3 def. of arterial road inserted by No. 12/2004 s. 162(1).
"arterial road" has the same meaning as in the Road Management Act 2004 ;
S. 3 def. of authorised police officer inserted by No. 102/1998 s. 4(a), amended by No. 37/2014 s. 10(Sch. item 111.1(a)).
"authorised police officer" means the Chief Commissioner of Police and any police officer of the rank of inspector or above who is appointed by the Chief Commissioner to be an authorised police officer for the purposes of Division 3 of Part 4;
S. 3 def. of Authority repealed by No. 81/2000 s. 4(1).
* * * * *
S. 3 def. of Burnley office site inserted by No. 13/2002 s. 3.
"Burnley office site" means all the land in Crown Allotment 1C of 39A, Parish of Jika Jika, City of Richmond;
S. 3 def. of Central Plan Office
amended by Nos 50/1998
s. 4(b), 70/2013 s. 4(Sch. 2
item 31.1), repealed by No. 53/2017 s. 85.
* * * * *
S. 3 new def. of Council inserted by No. 93/2009 s. 31(b), amended by No. 9/2020 s. 390(Sch. 1 item 69.1).
"Council" has the same meaning as in the Local Government Act 2020 ;
"Crown land" includes a stratum of Crown land;
S. 3 def. of Council repealed by No. 93/2009 s. 31(a).
* * * * *
S. 3 def. of Customer service site inserted by No. 102/1998 s. 4(a).
"Customer service site" means the land shown hatched on sheets 1 and 2 of the plan numbered LEGL./98–74 and lodged in the Central Plan Office but does not include any part of that land which is part of the Link road;
S. 3 def. of Director inserted by No. 78/2001 s. 3, repealed by No. 49/2004 s. 4(1).
* * * * *
S. 3 def. of Director, Fines Victoria inserted by No. 17/2022 s. 101.
"Director, Fines Victoria" has the same meaning as Director has in section 3 of the Fines Reform Act 2014 ;
S. 3 def. of electricity corporation amended by No. 35/1997 s. 31(2), substituted by No. 69/2000 s. 59(a), repealed by No. 11/2024 s. 98(a).
* * * * *
S. 3 def. of enforcement agency substituted by No. 102/1998 s. 4(b).
"enforcement agency" means the Chief Commissioner of Police or, if another person is prescribed by the regulations to be the enforcement agency with respect to all or any part of the enforcement agency's functions, that other person in respect of those functions;
S. 3 def. of enforcement officer amended by No. 4/2000 s. 4.
"enforcement officer" means a person authorised by an enforcement agency under section 79 and includes, in relation to an infringement notice issued under section 80A, a person authorised under section 116(1A) ;
S. 3 def. of ESEP project document
inserted by No. 50/1998
s. 4(a).
"ESEP project document" has the same meaning as in the Extension Agreement;
S. 3 def. of Extension corporation
inserted by No. 50/1998
s. 4(a).
"Extension corporation" means the person who, for the time being, is the Extension corporation under section 12A;
S. 3 def. of Extension operator
inserted by No. 50/1998
s. 4(a).
"Extension operator" means the person who, for the time being, is the Extension operator under section 12B;
S. 3 def. of Extension Project area inserted by No. 39/1997 s. 4(1), repealed by No. 81/2000 s. 4(3).
* * * * *
S. 3 def. of Extension road
inserted by No. 50/1998
s. 4(a), substituted by No. 102/1998 s. 4(c).
"Extension road" means land declared under section 93H to be a road and includes any part of that land;
S. 3 def. of Exhibition Street Extension Project inserted by No. 39/1997 s. 4(1).
Exhibition Street Extension Project has the meaning given by section 93A;
S. 3 def. of Head, Transport for Victoria inserted by No. 49/2019 s. 186(Sch. 4 item 28.1(b)).
"Head, Transport for Victoria" has the same meaning as in section 3 of the Transport Integration Act 2010 ;
S. 3 def. of IBAC inserted by No. 82/2012 s. 294(1)(a), amended by No. 82/2012 s. 312(a), repealed by No. 8/2019 s. 129.
* * * * *
"land" includes a stratum of land;
S. 3 def. of l eased land amended by No. 39/1997 s. 4(2)(a).
"leased land" means land which is the subject of a lease granted under section 60 or 93G;
S. 3 def. of lessee amended by No. 39/1997 s. 4(2)(b).
"lessee" means a person who is for the time being the lessee under a lease granted under section 60 or 93G;
S. 3 def. of licence holder inserted by No. 78/2001 s. 3.
"licence holder" means a person who is, for the time being, the holder of a licence issued under section 20E;
S. 3 def. of licence plate number inserted by No. 102/1998 s. 4(a).
"licence plate number", in relation to a vehicle, means the registration number of the vehicle assigned by the relevant vehicle registration authority;
S. 3 def. of licensed area inserted by No. 78/2001 s. 3.
"licensed area" means land which is the subject of a licence issued under section 20E;
S. 3 def. of licensed land substituted by No. 81/2000 s. 4(4)(a).
"licensed land" means land which was the subject of a licence issued under section 56 as in force at any time before the commencement of section 10 of the Melbourne City Link (Miscellaneous Amendments) Act 2000 ;
S. 3 def. of licensee substituted by No. 81/2000 s. 4(4)(b).
"licensee" means a person who was the holder of a licence issued under section 56 as in force at any time before the commencement of section 10 of the Melbourne City Link (Miscellaneous Amendments) Act 2000 ;
S. 3 def. of Link control site substituted by No. 39/1997 s. 4(3).
"Link control site" means the land shown hatched on the plan numbered LEGL/.97–60 and lodged in the Central Plan Office but does not include any part of that land which is part of the Link road;
Link corporation means the person who, for the time being, is the Link corporation under section 10;
S. 3 def. of Link operator inserted by No. 102/1998 s. 4(a).
"Link operator" means the person who, for the time being, is the Link operator under section 11;
S. 3 def. of Link road amended by Nos 39/1997 s. 4(4), 50/1998 s. 4(c), substituted by No. 102/1998 s. 4(d).
"Link road" means land declared under section 61 to be a road and includes any part of that land;
S. 3 def. of Link Upgrade Project inserted by No. 81/2006 s. 66.
"Link Upgrade Project" has the same meaning that it has in Schedule 5A to the Road Management Act 2004 ;
S. 3 def. of police officer inserted by No. 37/2014 s. 10(Sch. item 111.1(b)).
"police officer" has the same meaning as in the Victoria Police Act 2013 ;
S. 3 def. of Project area repealed by No. 81/2000 s. 4(1).
* * * * *
S. 3 def. of public authority amended
by Nos 91/1997
s. 47, 69/2000 s. 59(b), 32/2001 s. 36(a), 17/2012
s. 91, 11/2024 s. 98(b).
"public authority" means any of the following—
(a) a public statutory authority;
(b) a State business corporation or a State body within the meaning of the State Owned Enterprises Act 1992 ;
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* * * * *
* * * * *
(g) a metropolitan water corporation within the meaning of the Water Act 1989 ;
S. 3 def. of public body amended by Nos 104/1997 s. 52, 50/1998 s. 4(d),
69/2000 s. 59(c), 32/2001 s. 36(b), 61/2005 s. 218, 6/2010
s. 203(1)
(Sch. 6 item 31.1(a)) (as amended by No. 45/2010
s. 22).
"public body" means any of the following—
(a) a public authority;
(b) a generation company, distribution company or transmission company within the meaning of section 3 of the Electricity Industry Act 2000 ;
(ba) a gas distribution company or a gas transmission company within the meaning of the Gas Industry Act 2001 ;
(c) a Council;
(d) a committee of management under the Crown Land (Reserves) Act 1978 ;
(e) the holder of a licence under the Pipelines Act 2005 ;
(f) the Corporation within the meaning of the National Rail Corporation (Victoria) Act 1991 ;
(g) a passenger transport company within the meaning of the Transport (Compliance and Miscellaneous) Act 1983 ;
"public statutory authority" means any body (including any trust) established by or under an Act for a public purpose;
S. 3 def. of r elevant corporation inserted by No. 102/1998 s. 4(a).
"relevant corporation"—
(a) for the purposes of Part 4 (except sections 70 and 71)—
(i) in relation to the Link road or the Extension road, means the Link Corporation if no notice under section 69A(1) is in effect; and
(ii) if a notice under section 69A(1) has taken effect and no notice under section 69A(2) is in effect—
(A) in relation to the Link road, means the Link corporation; and
(B) in relation to the Extension road, means the Extension corporation; and
(b) for the purposes of the rest of this Act (including sections 70 and 71)—
(i) in relation to the Link road, means the Link corporation; and
(ii) in relation to the Extension road, means the Extension corporation;
S. 3 def. of reserved land inserted by No. 78/2001 s. 3.
"reserved land" means land that, by the operation of Part 2A, is or is deemed to be temporarily reserved under section 4(1) of the Crown Land (Reserves) Act 1978 for public purposes, being, in particular, the purposes of the Project;
S. 3 def. of reserved project land repealed by No. 81/2000 s. 4(1).
* * * * *
S. 3 def. of restricted access area repealed by No. 81/2000 s. 4(1).
* * * * *
S. 3 def. of restricted tolling information inserted by No. 102/1998 s. 4(a), repealed by No. 70/2016 s. 43.
* * * * *
S. 3 def. of Roads Corporation inserted by No. 49/2004 s. 4(2),
amended by No. 6/2010
s. 203(1)
(Sch. 6 item 31.1(b)) (as amended by No. 45/2010
s. 22), repealed by No. 49/2019 s. 186(Sch. 4
item 28.1(a)).
* * * * *
S. 3 def. of Secretary inserted by No. 81/2000 s. 4(6), repealed by No. 49/2004 s. 4(1), new def. of Secretary inserted by No. 49/2019 s. 186(Sch. 4 item 28.1(b)).
"Secretary" means the Secretary to the Department of Transport;
S. 3 def. of State highway inserted
by No. 50/1998
s. 4(a), repealed by No. 12/2004 s. 162(2).
* * * * *
"stratum of Crown land" means a stratum of land which is Crown land;
stratum of land means a part of land consisting of a space of any shape, below on or above the surface of the land, or partly below and partly above the surface of the land, all the dimensions of which are limited;
S. 3 def. of temporary construction site repealed by No. 81/2000 s. 4(1).
* * * * *
S. 3 def. of
the Agreement amended by
Nos 21/1996 s. 3, 50/1998
s. 4(e) , 81/2000 s. 4(5)(a).
the Agreement means the agreement for the Melbourne City Link Project, a copy of which was set out in Schedule 1 to this Act as enacted, and the exhibits to that agreement, or, if all or any of the provisions of that agreement or those exhibits are added to, substituted, cancelled or varied (whether or not the addition, substitution, cancellation or variation is effected by way of the Integration and Facilitation Agreement or otherwise), that agreement and those exhibits as so varied [1] ;
S. 3 def. of
the Extension Agreement
inserted by No. 50/1998
s. 4(a), amended by No. 81/2000 s. 4(5)(b).
"the Extension Agreement" means the agreement for the Exhibition Street Extension Project, and the exhibit to that agreement, a copy of which was set out in Schedule 6 to this Act as enacted by section 40 of the Melbourne City Link (Exhibition Street Extension) Act 1998 or, if all or any of the provisions of that agreement, or that exhibit, are added to, substituted, cancelled or varied (whether or not the addition, substitution, cancellation or variation is effected by way of the Integration and Facilitation Agreement or otherwise) that agreement and exhibit as so varied;
S. 3 def. of
the Integration and Facilitation Agreement inserted by No. 50/1998
s. 4(a), amended by No. 81/2000 s. 4(5)(c).
"the Integration and Facilitation Agreement" means the agreement for integrating and facilitating the Project and the Exhibition Street Extension Project, a copy of which was set out in Schedule 5 to this Act as enacted by section 40 of the Melbourne City Link (Exhibition Street Extension) Act 1998 , or, if all or any of the provisions of that agreement are added to, substituted, cancelled or varied, that agreement as so varied;
the Project has the meaning given by section 6;
S. 3 def. of
toll zone substituted by No. 102/1998 s. 4(e).
"toll zone" means a toll zone specified under section 71(1)(a);
"vehicle" has the same meaning as motor vehicle has in the Road Safety Act 1986 .