(1) If the Link corporation has identified the Utility that owns or operates unnotified Utility infrastructure, the Link corporation must give the Utility notice of the Link Upgrade construction work in accordance with this section.
(2) The notice must—
(a) be in writing; and
(b) request the Utility to advise the Link corporation within 2 business days as to whether the Utility infrastructure is still operational or, if it is not operational, whether it is redundant; and
(c) request the Utility within 2 business days—
(i) to agree to authorise the Link corporation to remove the Utility infrastructure, if it is redundant; or
(ii) to agree to the relocation of the Utility infrastructure; or
(iii) to request the Link corporation to preserve the Utility infrastructure and agree to pay any costs incurred by the Link corporation as a result of any delay caused by preserving that infrastructure.
S. 56J inserted by No. 81/2006 s. 72.