(1) The Secretary may, by notice published in the Government Gazette, determine the method and criteria to be used for calculating the additional cost to the relevant corporation of providing a West Gate Tunnel roaming service.
(2) The Secretary, on the joint application of the relevant corporation and the West Gate Tunnel Corporation, may, by notice published in the Government Gazette, determine an amount to be the net incremental marginal cost to the relevant corporation of providing a West Gate Tunnel roaming service.
(3) A determination of an amount to be the net incremental marginal cost may provide for the amount to be a variable amount to be determined in accordance with an agreement existing at the date of the determination between the relevant corporation and the West Gate Tunnel Corporation.
(4) The Secretary must not make a determination of an amount to be the net incremental marginal cost unless the Secretary is satisfied that the amount to be determined has been agreed to by the relevant corporation and the West Gate Tunnel Corporation.
(5) On the publication in the Government Gazette of any determination under this section, any existing determination under this section is revoked.
Pt 4 Div. 7 (Heading and ss 93AG– 93AJ) inserted by No. 18/2020 s. 140.
Division 7—North East Link roaming agreement
S. 93AG inserted by No. 18/2020 s. 140.