WHEREAS by an Order in Council dated the nineteenth day of February One thousand eight hundred and eighty-nine [1] the land described in the Schedule to this Act was reserved from sale permanently as a site for a race-course and other purposes of public recreation in the parish of Mooroopna:
AND WHEREAS by deed poll bearing date the twenty-second day of February One thousand eight hundred and eighty-nine registered in the register-book of the Office of Titles volume two thousand one hundred and eighty-two folio four hundred and thirty-six thousand three hundred and thirty-one the Administrator of the Government in Council did grant the said land unto Thomas Darcy, farmer, John Hill, grazier, William Morrison Brown, publican, Martin Cussen, auctioneer, and Matthew Kilpatrick, farmer, all of Mooroopna (hereinafter called the said trustees), for the said purposes:
AND WHEREAS the said land is not convenient or suitable for the purposes for which the same was granted and it is expedient that the said land should be sold and that the money derived from the sale thereof should be devoted to the purchase of other land more convenient and suitable for such purposes:
AND WHEREAS the said trustees have in writing consented to the sale of the land granted as aforesaid:
BE IT THEREFORE ENACTED by the King's Most Excellent Majesty by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Council and the Legislative Assembly of Victoria in this present Parliament assembled and by the authority of the same as follows (that is to say):