If under this Part a notice is required or permitted to be served on any person, the notice may, unless the contrary intention appears, be served—
(a) by delivering it personally to the person; or
(b) by leaving it at the usual or last known place of residence or business of the person with a person apparently over the age of 16 years and apparently residing at that place or (in the case of a business) apparently in charge of or employed at that place; or
(c) by sending it by post addressed to the person at the usual or last known place of residence or business of that person; or
S. 152(d) amended by No. 34/2023 s. 127(Sch. 1 item 7.39).
(d) if the person has given to Safe Transport Victoria as his or her address an address that is not his or her place of residence or business, by sending it addressed to the person at that address.
Part 4.3—Prohibition of use of recreational vessels and hire and drive vessels
Division 1—Part does not affect other penalties