Victorian Current Acts

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   1.      Purpose  
   2.      Commencement  
   3.      Definitions  
   4.      Crown to be bound  
   5.      Extra-territorial operation  


   6.      Application in Victoria of the National Electricity Law  
   7.      Application of Regulations under National Electricity Law  
   8.      Interpretation of some expressions in the National Electricity (Victoria) Law and the National Electricity (Victoria) Regulations  
   9.      Proceedings in respect of breaches of the National Electricity (Victoria) Law, the National Electricity (Victoria) Regulations and National Electricity Rules  
   10.     National Electricity (Victoria) Law and National Electricity Rules may be relevant legislation  
   11.     Personal Property Securities  
   11A.    Extension of AER functions and powers  
   11B.    Prescription of provisions of the regulations as civil penalty provisions  
   12.     Supreme Court—limitation of jurisdiction  
   12A.    Regulations  


           Division 1--Interpretation

   13.     Definitions  

           Division 2--General modifications

   14.     NEL provisions providing for access to distribution services do not apply during specified period  
   15.     Modification of application of National Electricity Law and National Electricity Rules by Order  
   16.     Role of National Electricity Law and Rules in relation to distribution determinations and Victorian distribution pricing determinations  

           Division 2A--Feed-in tariff modifications

   16A.    Solar feed-in credit obligation is a regulatory obligation or requirement  
   16AB.   Modification of National Electricity Rules for the purpose of transitional feed-in tariff scheme  

           Division 2B--Metering

   16B.    Disapplication of national smart meter rollout provisions  
   16BA.   Modification of National Electricity Rules to be consistent with advanced metering infrastructure Orders  

           Division 3--The f-factor scheme

   16C.    Order in Council for establishment of f‑factor scheme  
   16D.    Functions and powers conferred and duties imposed on AER  
   16E.    Application of NEL provisions after the Victorian distribution pricing determination end date  
   16F.    Interrelationship between f‑factor determinations and distribution determinations  
   16G.    Power of AER to request information relating to f‑factor determinations  

           Division 4--Application of pre-2011 service adjustment scheme and efficiency carryover mechanism

   16H.    Definitions  
   16I.    Application  
   16J.    Efficiency carryover mechanism is an efficiency benefit sharing scheme  
   16K.    Modification of definition of regulatory control period for purposes of this Division  
   16L.    Service adjustment is a service target performance incentive scheme  
   16M.    Distribution pricing proposals  
   16N.    Approval of distribution pricing proposals  
   16O.    AER compliance with Tribunal decisions inconsistent with this Division  
   16P.    Victorian DNSPs are not required to comply with AER decisions or determinations that are inconsistent with this Division  

           Division 5--Distribution network connections and retail customer connection arrangements

   16Q.    Application of certain provisions of the National Electricity (South Australia) Act 1996—distribution network connections etc.  
   16R.    Amendment of the National Electricity Rules  
   16S.    Further modification of the amended National Electricity Rules  
   16SA.   Modification relating to negotiated connection offers  
   16T.    Transitional provisions for retail customer connection arrangements  

           Division 6--Wholesale electricity markets and network service providers

   16U.    Application of certain provisions of the National Electricity (South Australia) Act 1996—wholesale electricity markets and network service providers  
   16V.    Regulations  

           Division 6A--Modification of distribution determination arrangements

   16VA.   Definitions and interpretation  
   16VB.   Meaning of regulatory year for the purposes of distribution determinations on and after 1 July 2021  
   16VC.   Regulatory control period includes determination extension period  
   16VD.   Pricing proposals for extended period of applicable 2016‑2020 distribution determinations  
   16VE.   Order setting requirements for modifications and variations to certain instruments  
   16VF.   Order modifying the National Electricity (Victoria) Law and Rules  
   16VG.   General provisions apply to Orders under this Subdivision  
   16VH.   Functions and powers conferred and duties imposed on AER  
   16VI.   Effect of Orders under this Subdivision  
   16VJ.   Application of modified 2018 rate of return instrument  
   16VK.   AER variations to applicable 2016–2020 distribution determinations  
   16VL.   Definitions  
   16VM.   Failure to make a decision under the Law or Rules within time does not invalidate the decision  
   16VN.   Failure to meet particular pricing proposal timeframe does not invalidate relevant distribution determinations  
   16VO.   Failure to meet particular consultation timeframe does not invalidate relevant distribution determinations  
   16VP.   Modified 2018 rate of return instrument may affect certain pre‑2018 AER economic regulatory decisions  
   16VQ.   Validation of certain regulatory information notices served on Victorian DNSPs  

           Division 7--Modification of regulatory arrangements for specified declared transmission system augmentations and related services

   16W.    Definitions and interpretation  
   16X.    Additional AEMO functions  
   16Y.    Order modifying regulatory arrangements relating to declared transmission system augmentations and related services  
   16Z.    Matters that the Minister may have regard to in making an Order  
   16ZA.   Consultation before the making of an Order  
   16ZB.   Publication of reasons for the making of an Order  
   16ZC.   Effect of Order  
   16ZD.   Non-compliance with an Order enforceable under the Law  
   16ZDA.  Court order in relation to contraventions of enforceable provisions  
   16ZDB.  Undertakings as to damages and costs  
   16ZE.   Recovery of augmentation related costs or non-network services costs specified in an Order  
   16ZF.   Augmentation related costs or non‑network services costs are a pass through event  
   16ZG.   Orders are not legislative instruments  
   16ZH.   Authorisation of things done before commencement day as preparatory steps for making of Order  
   16ZI.   Review of operation of Division  

           Division 8--Additional Victorian requirements for Ministerial T‑3 reliability instruments

   16ZJ.   Application of this Division  
   16ZK.   Minister must have regard to certain matters in deciding whether to make a T‑3 reliability instrument  
   16ZL.   Minister to consult the Premier and Treasurer before making a T-3 reliability instrument  
   16ZM.   Minister must publish T-3 reliability instrument or variation and reasons in Government Gazette  


   17.     Definitions  
   18.     Meaning of distribution services  
   19.     Meaning of relevant regulatory duty  
   20.     Meaning of relevant regulatory function or power  
   21.     Specified distribution licence conditions  
   22.     Specified ESC code or guideline provisions  
   22A.    Specified regulatory law or instrument provisions are ESC enforceable regulatory requirements  
   23.     Certain ESC regulatory functions, powers and duties conferred and imposed on the AER  
   24.     ESC ceases to have certain distribution system related regulatory functions, powers and duties  
   25.     Enforcement of Victorian distribution pricing determination and distribution licences by AER  
   26.     ESC cannot enforce Victorian pricing determination or certain distribution licence conditions  
   27.     AER may request amendment of distribution licences and distribution service related code or guideline  
   27A.    AER determinations under the AMI Order  
   28.     Provision of information and assistance by ESC to the AER  
   28A.    Provision of information and assistance by AER to the ESC  
   29.     Appeals against certain decisions or actions of the AER  
   29A.    Interveners in appeals against decisions or determinations under the AMI Order  


           Division 1--Ministerial declarations

   30.     Declaration of declared transmission system  
   31.     Declaration of declared transmission system operator  

           Division 2--AEMO's declared network functions

   32.     Application of AEMO's declared network functions  
   33.     Certain defined terms for the purposes of the National Electricity (Victoria) Law  

           Division 3--Regulatory arrangements

   34.     Definitions  
   35.     Declaration of current connection agreements and current network agreements  
   36.     Ministerial specification of ESC code or guideline or provision under ESC code or guideline  
   37.     Current network agreements  
   38.     Current connection agreements  
   39.     Specified code or guidelines and specified VENCorp provisions  
   40.     Current VENCorp transmission determination  
   41.     VENCorp's negotiating framework and negotiated transmission service criteria  

           Division 4--Land access for augmentations

   42.     Definition  
   43.     Model lease and licence  
   44.     Declared transmission system operator must provide access to land and premises  
   45.     Resolution of dispute arising from attempt to negotiate a lease or licence  
   46.     Termination of lease or licence  
   47.     General principles governing AER determinations  

           Division 5--Other matters

   48.     Notice of change to declared transmission system operator  
   49.     Appointment of Responsible Officer  
   50.     Customer load shedding arrangements  


           Division 1--Preliminary

   51.     Definitions  

           Division 2--CEO VicGrid

   52.     CEO VicGrid  
   53.     Functions of CEO VicGrid  
   54.     Ministerial declarations  
   55.     Delegation  

           Division 3--Victorian transmission planning objective

   56.     What is the Victorian transmission planning objective?  

           Division 4--Victorian transmission plan guidelines

   57.     Victorian transmission plan guidelines  
   58.     Effect of Victorian transmission plan guidelines  

           Division 5--Victorian transmission plan

   59.     What is a Victorian transmission plan?  
   60.     Preparing and publishing Victorian transmission plan  
   61.     Updating Victorian transmission plan  
   62.     AEMO and service providers to have regard to Victorian transmission plan  

           Division 6--Renewable energy zones

   63.     Declaration of renewable energy zones  
   64.     Procedure for making renewable energy zone Order  
   65.     Publication of renewable energy zone Order and statement of reasons  

           Division 7--Cost recovery

   66.     Fees and charges for REZ planning functions  
   67.     Recovery of fees and charges  

           Division 8--General

   68.     Co-operation between AEMO and CEO VicGrid  
           SCHEDULE 1
           SCHEDULE 2
           SCHEDULE 3
           SCHEDULE 4

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