Victorian Current Acts

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   1.      Purpose  
   2.      Commencement  
   3.      Definitions  
   4.      Crown to be bound  
   5.      Application to coastal waters  
   6.      Extra-territorial operation  


   7.      Application of National Gas Law  
   8.      Application of Regulations under National Gas Law  
   9.      Interpretation of some expressions in National Gas (Victoria) Law and National Gas (Victoria) Regulations  
   9A.     Designated pipelines  
   9B.     Modified meaning of natural gas  


   10.     Conferral of powers on Commonwealth Minister and Commonwealth bodies to act in this State  
   11.     Conferral of powers on Ministers of participating States and Territories to act in this State  
   12.     Conferral of functions or powers on State Minister  


   13.     Exemption from taxes  
   14.     Actions in relation to cross boundary pipelines  
   15.     Conferral of functions and powers on Commonwealth bodies  
   16.     Supreme Court—limitation of jurisdiction  
   16A.    Regulations  


           Division 1--Interpretation

   17.     Definitions  
   18.     Meaning of gas distribution system regulatory duty  
   19.     Meaning of gas distribution system regulatory function or power  
   20.     Specification of Gas Distribution System Code provisions by Minister  
   20A.    Specified gas distribution system law or instrument provisions are ESC enforceable regulatory requirements  
   21.     Role of Interpretation of Legislation Act 1984  

           Division 2--Current and pending Victorian gas distribution system access arrangement revisions

   22.     Transitional clauses in NGL relating to distribution pipeline services access arrangements do not apply  
   23.     Gas distribution access arrangements under review  
   24.     Gas distribution access arrangement revision decisions under review  
   25.     Revised gas distribution access arrangements become full access arrangements under NGL  
   26.     Certain provisions of the Access Code to continue to apply to revised gas distribution access arrangement  
   27.     Certain decisions relating to certain access arrangements are reviewable regulatory decisions for purposes of National Gas (Victoria) Law  

           Division 3--AER functions, powers and duties under State instruments

   28.     Certain ESC functions, powers and duties conferred and imposed on the AER  
   29.     ESC ceases to have distribution pipeline services related regulatory functions, powers and duties  
   30.     Enforcement by AER of certain provisions of Victorian distribution licences  
   31.     ESC cannot enforce certain gas distribution licence conditions that the AER can enforce  
   32.     AER may request amendment of Gas Distribution System Code or ESC Guideline No. 17  
   33.     Appeals against certain decisions or actions of the AER  
   34.     Provision of information and assistance by ESC to the AER  
   34A.    Provision of information and assistance by AER to the ESC  

           Division 4--Miscellaneous matters

   35.     Consolidated access arrangements not permitted in respect of 2 or more covered distribution pipelines  
   36.     GPAL obligation comply with published general accounting guidelines continues  
   37.     ESC Guideline No. 17 becomes a regulatory information order after specified day  


           Division 1--Ministerial declarations

   39.     Declared distribution systems and declared transmission systems  
   40.     Declared host retailer  
   41.     Declared LNG storage providers and agreements  
   42.     Declared metering requirement  
   43.     Declared wholesale gas market  

           Division 2--AEMO's declared system functions

   44.     Application of AEMO's declared system functions  

           Division 2--of Part 6 of Chapter 2 of the National Gas (Victoria) Law applies in this jurisdiction.

   45.     Certain defined terms for the purposes of the National Gas (Victoria) Law and National Gas Rules  

           Division 3--Regulatory arrangements

   46.     Definitions  
   47.     Declaration of current operating agreements  
   48.     Ministerial specification of ESC code or guidelines or provisions under ESC codes or guidelines  
   49.     Current operating agreement  
   50.     Current service envelope agreement  
   51.     Specified code or guidelines and specified VENCorp provisions  

           Division 4--Gas emergencies

   52.     Definitions  
   53.     Gas emergency protocol  
   54.     Ministerial directions  
   55.     Registered participants must comply with gas emergency protocol  
   56.     Gas emergency protocol—transitional provision  

           Division 5--Other matters

   57.     Notice of change to declared LNG storage provider or declared LNG supplier  
   58.     MSO Rules procedures and guidelines—transitional provision  


           Division 1--Modifications relating to wholesale gas markets and pipeline service providers

   59.     Definitions  
   60.     Application of certain provisions of the South Australian Act—Wholesale gas markets and pipeline service providers  

           Division 2--Modifications relating to distributor access arrangements

   61.     Definitions and interpretation  
   62.     AER must, in a full access arrangement decision, fix 1 July as date on which full access arrangement takes effect  
   63.     Applicable 2018–2022 access arrangements extended until 30 June 2023  
   64.     Order setting requirements for modifications and variations to certain instruments  
   65.     Order modifying the National Gas (Victoria) Law and Rules  
   66.     General provisions apply to Orders under this Subdivision  
   67.     Functions and powers conferred and duties imposed on AER  
   68.     Effect of Orders under this Subdivision  
   69.     AER variations to applicable 2018–2022 access arrangements  

           Division 3--General modifications to the NGL

   70.     Definitions  
   71.     Application of certain provisions of the South Australian Act  
           SCHEDULE 1
           SCHEDULE 2

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