(1) An inspector may ask a person to state his or her name and address if the inspector reasonably believes that the person—
(a) may be able to assist in the investigation of an indictable offence under this Act that has been committed or is suspected of having been committed; or
(b) has committed or is about to commit an offence (whether indictable or summary) under this Act or the regulations.
(2) The inspector must inform the person of the grounds for his or her belief in sufficient detail to allow the person to understand the nature of the offence or suspected offence.
(3) A person who, in response to being asked to state his or her name and address in accordance with this section—
(a) refuses or fails to do so; or
(b) states a name that is false in a material particular; or
(c) states an address other than the full and correct address of his or her ordinary place of residence or business—
is guilty of an offence and liable to a fine not exceeding 5 penalty units.
(4) A person who is asked to state his or her name and address may ask the inspector to produce his or her identity card for inspection.