(1) A member of the committee of management of a registered employee organisation, or of a branch of such an organisation, may apply to the Magistrates' Court for an entry permit to be issued to a person who is an officer or employee of the organisation as an authorised representative of the organisation.
(2) An application for an entry permit must specify the person who is to hold the entry permit and include a statutory declaration or affidavit declaring or deposing—
(a) that the person is qualified under section 81 to hold an entry permit; and
(b) that the issue of the entry permit would not exceed the limit set out in the Minister's determination (if any) under section 80; and
(c) whether—
(i) any entry permits issued to the person have been revoked; or
(ii) the person has been convicted or found guilty of an offence against this Part; or
(iii) the person has been convicted or found guilty of any indictable offence within the previous 5 years.
(3) The Magistrates' Court may issue an entry permit to a person if it is satisfied about each of the matters in subsections (2)(a) and (b) and has had regard to the matters in subsection (2)(c).
(4) An entry permit must include the information (if any) prescribed by the regulations.
(5) A person who holds an entry permit is an authorised representative of the registered employee organisation that applied for the permit.