(1) Subject to subsection (2), if a pipeline runs along or crosses over or under a road, bridge or tramway, the pipeline must, at the expense of the licensee, be constructed to the satisfaction of the relevant authority so that the safe use of the road, bridge or tramway is not impeded or unnecessarily obstructed.
(2) If a pipeline runs along or crosses over or under road infrastructure within the meaning of the Road Management Act 2004 , the pipeline must, at the expense of the licensee, be constructed subject to and in accordance with the Road Management Act 2004 .
(3) A licensee who fails to comply with this section is guilty of an offence and liable to a penalty not exceeding—
S. 102(3)(a) amended by No. 22/2023 s. 61(a).
(a) 1200 penalty units in the case of a natural person; or
S. 102(3)(b) amended by No. 22/2023 s. 61(b).
(b) 6000 penalty units in the case of a body corporate.
(4) In this section relevant authority means—
(a) if a public authority or municipal council is responsible for the maintenance of the road, bridge, tramway or road infrastructure, that public authority or municipal council; or
(b) in any other case, the Minister.