(1) A consultation plan must—
(a) be prepared in accordance with the regulations; and
(b) set out the information that the proponent is to provide to owners and occupiers of land to whom notice must be given under Division 2 or 3.
(2) The information to be provided to owners and occupiers of land must include—
(a) general information about the types of activities to be undertaken by the proponent for the purpose of any survey under Division 2 or the construction and operation of the pipeline;
(b) information about how potential adverse impacts of the construction and operation of the pipeline on land, health, safety and the environment are to be managed;
(c) details of the procedures that are to be followed under this Act and any other Act to permit the construction and operation of the pipeline including the procedures for any compulsory acquisition of land;
(d) a statement—
(i) advising that owners and occupiers of land may seek independent advice on the pipeline proposal; and
(ii) setting out current contact information for the Department.