S. 32(1) amended by No. 68/2014 s. 79(1)(a).
(1) The applicant must give notice of the application for a licence to—
(a) all owners and occupiers of land directly affected by the proposed pipeline; and
(b) the Planning Minister; and
S. 32(1)(ba) inserted by No. 68/2014 s. 79(1)(b).
(ba) the Water Minister; and
(c) any relevant Crown Land Minister for Crown land affected by the pipeline; and
(d) each responsible authority for an area affected by the pipeline; and
(e) any Department Head of a Government department, public authority, person or body specified by the Minister.
(2) The notice under subsection (1) must—
(a) contain the prescribed information; and
(b) specify a date determined by the Minister as the submission date for the application (the submission date ); and
(c) state that until the submission date any person who may be affected by the grant of the licence may make a written submission to the Minister about the application.
(3) The notice under subsection (1) to an owner or occupier of land must specify where the owner or occupier may inspect a copy of the licence application and the information that accompanied that application.
S. 32(4) amended by No. 68/2014 s. 79(2).
(4) The applicant must cause a copy of the notice to be published in a newspaper circulating generally in Victoria.
(5) Subject to this section, notice of an application must be given in the manner and within the time specified by the Minister in relation to that application.
(6) The Secretary must make a copy of the application and all information accompanying the application available for inspection by the public in a place and form approved by the Minister.