(1) In addition to section 69, the Minister must not consider an application under section 68 unless the Minister is satisfied that—
(a) the licensee has complied with section 68(3); and
(b) notice of the application has been published under section 68(4).
S. 70(2) amended by No. 53/2011 s. 15.
(2) If the authorised route of the pipeline crosses Crown land, the Minister must not consider an application under section 68 unless the relevant Crown Land Minister has agreed to the alteration to the extent that the alteration affects Crown land.
(3) The Minister may—
(a) grant the application; or
(b) refuse to grant the application.
(4) The Minister must not grant the application unless the Minister is satisfied that the alteration—
(a) is reasonably necessary or expedient; and
(b) will not substantially affect the authorised route of the pipeline or the rights or interests of any other person.
(5) If the Minister grants the application, the Minister may also amend the licence to—
(a) impose any conditions that the Minister considers necessary to provide for the protection of the rights or interests of any person affected by the alteration; and
(b) impose any standards, specifications or other conditions that the Minister considers necessary as a result of the alteration.
(6) If the Minister grants the application, the Minister must publish a notice in the Government Gazette specifying the alterations made to the route of the pipeline.