(1) A collecting agency or development agency must prepare and give a report to the Minister, at the times required by the Minister, relating to—
(a) in the case of a collecting agency—
(i) any infrastructure contribution provided to the collecting agency under this Part; and
(ii) any works, services or facilities accepted by the collecting agency in part or full satisfaction of the monetary components of any infrastructure contributions to be provided to the collecting agency under this Part; and
(iii) any land credit amounts paid to persons under this Part; and
(b) in the case of a development agency—
(i) the expenditure of any monetary components of infrastructure contributions forwarded to the development agency under this Part; and
(ii) the use and development of any inner public purpose land that is part of the land component of any infrastructure contribution, which has vested in, been acquired by or been transferred to, the development agency under this Part; and
(iii) the use made by the development agency of any works, services or facilities referred to in paragraph (a)(ii); and
(iv) the expenditure of any land equalisation amounts paid or forwarded to the development agency under this Part; and
(v) the use and development of any outer public purpose land acquired by the development agency.
(2) A report under subsection (1) must be prepared in accordance with any requirements of the Minister.
S. 46GZJ inserted by No. 7/2018 s. 10.