(1) If—
(a) at any time during the course of a private security business licence a person becomes a close associate of the holder of the licence, or a person ceases to be a close associate of the holder of the licence; or
(b) at any time during the course of a private security business registration a person becomes a close associate of the holder of the registration, or a person ceases to be a close associate of the holder of the registration—
the holder must immediately notify the Chief Commissioner of that fact.
Penalty: 20 penalty units.
(2) A notice under subsection (1) must—
(a) be in writing; and
(b) set out the name and address of the person who has become, or ceased to be, a close associate (as the case requires); and
(c) be signed by each close associate specified in the notice; and
(d) be accompanied by any prescribed documents or information.