The Chief Commissioner must provide by 1 October each year a report to the Minister that includes the following information—
(a) the number of applications relating to the granting, renewal or variation of private security business licences, private security individual operator licences, private security business registrations and private security individual operator registrations made to the Chief Commissioner during the financial year immediately preceding the report;
(b) the number of such applications that are considered by the Chief Commissioner during the financial year immediately preceding the report;
(c) the number of such applications granted by the Chief Commissioner during the financial year immediately preceding the report;
(d) the number of such applications refused by the Chief Commissioner during the financial year immediately preceding the report;
(e) the number of variations made to private security business licences, private security individual operator licences, private security business registrations and private security individual operator registrations on the Chief Commissioner's own motion during the financial year immediately preceding the report;
(f) the number of applications for the issue of permits under Division 6 of Part 3 or Division 5 of Part 4 made to the Chief Commissioner during the financial year immediately preceding the report;
(g) the number of applications referred to in paragraph (f) considered, granted or refused by the Chief Commissioner during the financial year immediately preceding the report;
(h) the number of, the reasons for and the outcomes of, any inquiries conducted by the Chief Commissioner during the financial year immediately preceding the report;
(i) the number of applications made to the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal for review of decisions made by the Chief Commissioner during the financial year immediately preceding the report and the outcome of each review;
(j) any other prescribed matters.