Victorian Current Acts

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WHEREAS by an Act passed in the twenty-second year of Her present Majesty numbered LXXXII as amended by Act No. CCCXXI, it was enacted that all hereditaments estates and temporal privileges and all equitable rights belonging to certain Presbyterian bodies and the congregations thereof should belong to "The Presbyterian Church of Victoria" and the several congregations thereof subject to the decisions and judicatories of the said church only:

AND WHEREAS the General Assembly of the said church has adopted Model Trust Deeds (hereinafter called "The Model Trust Deeds of the Presbyterian Church of Victoria") to the intent that certain property belonging to the said church may be held upon the trusts thereof:

AND WHEREAS the said Model Deeds were deposited with the Registrar-General on the eleventh day of March One thousand eight hundred and seventy-nine and are numbered respectively four thousand three hundred and seventy-nine and four thousand three hundred and eighty:

AND WHEREAS the members of the said church are desirous that a corporate body of trustees should be created for the purpose of holding the property of the said church, and that for the better management thereof certain property of the said church should be vested in such corporate body, and that the trusts upon which the property of the said church is held should be assimilated so far as possible to the trusts contained in the said Model Deeds, and that the conveyance and transfer of such property should be facilitated and rendered less expensive:

BE IT THEREFORE ENACTED by the Queen's Most Excellent Majesty by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Council and the Legislative Assembly of Victoria in this present Parliament assembled and by the authority of the same as follows (that is to say):

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