If a person who, under this Part, has been disqualified from obtaining a driver licence or learner permit is before a court for any reason in relation to the alleged offence for which they were disqualified under this Part, the court may make an order cancelling the disqualification if the court is satisfied that—
(a) in relation to a disqualification under Division 2 or 3, exceptional circumstances exist which justify making the order; or
(b) in relation to a
disqualification under Division 4, the person charged is not an unacceptable
risk to road safety.
Part 7—Infringements
S. 85 amended by Nos 44/1989 s. 41(Sch. 2 item 34.4) 57/1998 s. 5(5)(f), 92/2001 s. 18(5), repealed by No. 81/2006 s. 25.
* * * * *
S. 86
amended by Nos 57/1989 s. 3(Sch.
items 173.18‑
173.20), 33/1994 ss 24(3), 25(2), 78/1994
s. 5(1), 92/2001 s. 18(6), 94/2003 ss 17, 27(7), 49/2004
s. 35(5)‑(8), 21/2005 s. 57(1)(f)(g), 24/2005 s. 10,
32/2006 s. 62(1), 14/2007 s. 4, substituted by No. 81/2006
s. 26.