Schedule 2—Subject-matter for regulations
1. The categories of motor vehicles and trailers for registration purposes.
2. The exemption of classes of motor vehicles from the requirement to be registered.
Sch. 2 item 3 amended by No. 30/2021 s. 69(1).
3. Applications for registration (including registration permits), renewal of registration or transfer of registration; the dates by which applications must be made and the information and evidence to accompany applications including any certificates; specifying the information required to accompany applications and that the information be in the approved form.
Sch. 2 item 3AA inserted by No. 30/2021 s. 69(2).
3AA. The circumstances in which the Secretary may accept certificates issued by persons authorised by the Secretary certifying that a vehicle complies with standards for registration including with respect to the use of alternative fuel systems, the modification of vehicles, work done in response to vehicle defect notices and confirming the identity of a vehicle.
Sch. 2 item 3AAB inserted by No. 30/2021 s. 69(2).
3AAB. The authorisation of persons by the Secretary to enable those persons to certify matters for registration purposes; to require persons authorised by the Secretary to issue forms in the form approved by the Secretary.
Sch. 2 item 3AAC inserted by No. 30/2021 s. 69(2).
3AAC. The terms and conditions a person authorised to perform functions under items 3AA and 3AAB must comply with; the requirements a person authorised to perform functions under items 3AA and 3AAB must comply with including compliance with guidelines or other information published by the Secretary and any written directions issued by the Secretary; the revocation of the authorisation of a person for a failure to comply with any terms and conditions, guidelines or other information published by the Secretary or any written directions of the Secretary.
Sch. 2 item 3AAD inserted by No. 30/2021 s. 69(2).
3AAD. Certificates in the form approved by the Secretary in respect of roadworthiness and the issue of those certificates to persons authorised by the Secretary.
Sch. 2 item 3AAE inserted by No. 30/2021 s. 69(2).
3AAE. Test reports in the form approved by the Secretary and the issue of those test reports to persons authorised by the Secretary.
Sch. 2 item 3AAF inserted by No. 30/2021 s. 69(2).
3AAF. Guidelines that may be issued by the Secretary in accordance with the regulations, in relation to the inspection, testing, and examination of vehicles and the standards applying to those vehicles, and that may require matters in the guidelines to be in accordance with standards or requirements specified in the guidelines.
Sch. 2 item 3A inserted by No. 57/1998 s. 12(2).
3A. Names in which motor vehicles or trailers must not be registered.
4. Requirements to be complied with before registration may be granted, renewed or transferred.
5. The conditions on which registration may be granted or renewed.
6. The date on which registration commences and the period for which it remains in force, including making special provision for shortening the period of registration without any reduction in fees where application for it is made outside the prescribed time.
7. Procedures for achieving a common registration expiry date for 2 or more motor vehicles or trailers registered in the same name.
Sch. 2 item 8 amended by Nos 94/2003 s. 24(1), 49/2019 s. 116(Sch. 1 item 225(a)).
8. The grounds on which registration may be cancelled or suspended (including, in the case of a heavy vehicle to which a requirement referred to in item 39B or 39C applies, where the Secretary is notified of the vehicle being detected exceeding a specified speed in another State or a Territory) and the procedures to be followed in those cases.
Sch. 2 item 9 amended by Nos 120/1993 s. 61(1), 57/1998 s. 4(3)(c)(i)(ii), 30/2021 s. 69(3).
9. The circumstances in which a person is required to obtain or display a certificate that a motor vehicle or trailer is roadworthy; the authorisation of suitable persons to issue that certificate including requirements of employees in relation to such suitable persons; the fees payable to those people; the conditions on which those authorisations may be granted [16] .
10. The inspection, testing and weighing of motor vehicles and trailers.
11. The grounds on which, and the procedure by which, the use of a motor vehicle or trailer on a highway may be prohibited and the conditions on which a prohibition may be made or revoked.
Sch. 2 item 12 amended by Nos 44/1989 s. 41(Sch. 2 item 34.5), 92/2001 s. 29(1)(a), 49/2019 s. 116(Sch. 1 item 225(b)).
12. Requiring the Secretary to be notified of alterations or damage to registered motor vehicles or trailers and requiring the Secretary to be notified of written-off vehicles.
Sch. 2 item 13 amended by Nos 44/1989 s. 41(Sch. 2 item 34.5), 57/1998 s. 5(5)(g), 92/2001 s. 29(1)(b), 49/2019 s. 116(Sch. 1 item 225(c)).
13. Requiring the Secretary to be notified of changes in the ownership, person responsible or description of registered motor vehicles or trailers or of written-off vehicles.
14. Applications for registration permits; the information and evidence to accompany applications; the grounds on which applications may be refused and the procedure to be followed where an application is refused; prescribing conditions on which registration permits may be granted.
Sch. 2 item 15 amended by No. 49/2004 s. 29(1)(a)(b).
15. The issue of identification numbers, registration labels and certificates of registration, including the issue of duplicates.
Sch. 2 item 15A inserted by No. 49/2004 s. 29(2), amended by No. 49/2019 s. 116(Sch. 1 item 225(c)).
15A. The issue of number plates; the circumstances in which they may be issued; the authorising of agents to issue them on behalf of the Secretary and the issue of replacement number plates.
Sch. 2 item 15B inserted by No. 49/2004 s. 29(2).
15B. The conditions on which number plates may be used or possessed and the circumstances in which, and conditions on which, the right to use or possess them may be transferred to another person.
Sch. 2 item 15C inserted by No. 49/2004 s. 29(2), amended by No. 49/2019 s. 116(Sch. 1 item 225(c)).
15C. Requirements to notify the Secretary about the use or possession of number plates or the transfer of the right to use or possess those number plates (such as when they are installed or displayed on a motor vehicle or transferred to another motor vehicle or person) and requirements to return other number plates that are removed from a motor vehicle.
Sch. 2 item 15D inserted by No. 49/2004 s. 29(2), amended by No. 49/2019 s. 116(Sch. 1 item 225(c)).
15D. The circumstances in which number plates must be returned to the Secretary, the procedures for doing so and the compensation (if any) payable on their return.
Sch. 2 item 15E inserted by No. 49/2004 s. 29(2), amended by No. 49/2019 s. 116(Sch. 1 item 225(c)), substituted by No. 41/2020 s. 23(1).
15E. In relation to registration number rights—
(a) the sale or reservation of those rights; and
(b) the circumstances in which those rights may be sold or reserved; and
(c) the terms and conditions for contracts for the sale of those rights or the reservation of those rights; and
(d) the authorisation of agents to enter into contracts for the sale or reservation of those rights.
Sch. 2 item 15EA inserted by No. 41/2020 s. 23(1).
15EA. In relation to non‑standard number plates and replacement non‑standard number plates—
(a) the issue and use of those number plates; and
(b) the circumstances in which those number plates may be issued and used; and
(c) the terms and conditions for contracts for the issue and use of those number plates; and
(d) the authorisation of agents to enter into contracts for the issue and use of those number plates.
Sch. 2 item 15F inserted by No. 49/2004 s. 29(2), amended by No. 49/2019 s. 116(Sch. 1 item 225(c)).
15F. The circumstances in which, and conditions subject to which, the ownership of registration number rights may be transferred to another person and requirements to notify the Secretary about such a transfer of ownership.
Sch. 2 item 15G inserted by No. 49/2004 s. 29(2), amended by No. 46/2024 s. 17.
15G. The circumstances in which registration number rights may be suspended or cancelled, the procedures for doing so, the duration of a suspension and the compensation (if any) payable on cancellation.
16. The issue of special plates or marks, the circumstances in which they may be issued and the conditions on which they may be used.
Sch. 2
item 16A inserted by No. 58/1995 s. 17, amended by No. 37/1996
s. 8(1).
16A. The issue (which may include at auction or by inviting tenders) of number plates for the purposes of collection, the circumstances in which they may be issued, the manner in which they may be used and any conditions as to their use.
Sch. 2
item 16B inserted by No. 37/1996 s. 8(2).
16B. The manner in which registration numbers may be assigned to motor vehicles and trailers and number plates bearing registration numbers issued, which may include at auction or by inviting tenders.
Sch. 2
item 16C inserted by No. 92/2001 s. 29(2).
16C. Requirements to be complied with before a vehicle may be entered on the register of written-off vehicles and procedures for making or refusing to make entries on that register.
Sch. 2
item 16D inserted by No. 92/2001 s. 29(2).
16D. Requirements to be complied with before an amendment may be made to the register of written-off vehicles and procedures for amending or refusing to amend that register.
Sch. 2
item 16E inserted by No. 92/2001 s. 29(2).
16E. Requirements to be complied with before an entry may be removed from the register of written-off vehicles and procedures for removing or refusing to remove an entry from that register.
Sch. 2
item 16F inserted by No. 92/2001 s. 29(2).
16F. The placing or affixing of labels, notices or other marks on written-off vehicles, the requirements to be complied with in relation to displaying or affixing those labels, notices or marks and their removal.
Licensing of drivers
17. The categories of motor vehicles and trailers for licensing purposes.
Sch. 2
item 18 amended by No. 5/2016 s. 36(Sch.
1 item 54).
18. Applications for a driver licence or learner permit or for the variation, renewal or extension of a driver licence or learner permit; the dates by which applications must be made and the information and evidence to accompany applications.
Sch. 2 item 19 amended by No. 5/2016 s. 36(Sch. 1 item 55).
19. Requirements to be complied with before a
driver licence or learner permit may be granted, varied or renewed.
Sch. 2 item 20 amended by No. 5/2016 s. 36(Sch. 1 item 55).
20. The conditions on which a driver licence or learner permit may be granted, varied or renewed.
Sch. 2 item 21 amended by No. 5/2016 s. 36(Sch. 1 item 55).
21. The date on which a driver licence or learner permit commences, the period for which it remains in force and the probationary period of a driver licence.
Sch. 2 item 22 amended by Nos 120/1993 s. 61(2), 78/1994 s. 6.
22. The taking of photographs or making of digitised images for inclusion in driver licence documents.
23. Prohibiting the use of magnetic tape in driver licence documents.
Sch. 2 item 24 amended by No. 5/2016 s. 36(Sch. 1 item 55).
24. The issue of duplicate driver licence documents and learner permit documents.
Sch. 2 item 25 amended by No. 5/2016 s. 36(Sch. 1 item 55).
25. The exemption of persons or classes of persons from the requirement to obtain a driver licence or learner permit.
Sch. 2 item 26 amended by No. 5/2016 s. 37(Sch. 2 item 8).
26. Tests or assessments and driver training.
Sch. 2 item 27 amended by Nos 44/1989 s. 41(Sch. 2 item 34.5), 5/2016 s. 36(Sch. 1 item 55), 49/2019 s. 116(Sch. 1 item 225(c)).
27. The grounds on which a driver licence or learner permit may be cancelled, suspended or varied by the Secretary and the procedures to be followed in such cases.
Sch. 2 item 28 amended by Nos 44/1989 s. 41(Sch. 2 item 34.5), 5/2016 s. 35, 49/2019 s. 116(Sch. 1 item 225(c)).
28. The circumstances in which the Secretary is required to cancel, suspend or vary a driver licence or learner permit or refuse an application for a driver licence, driver licence variation, learner permit or learner permit variation and the procedures to be followed in those cases.
Sch. 2
item 28A inserted by No. 78/1987 s. 18(4), amended by Nos 44/1989
s. 41(Sch. 2 item 34.5), 5/2016 s. 36(Sch. 1 item 56),
49/2019 s. 116(Sch. 1 item 225(c)).
28A. The surrender of driver licence documents or learner permit documents if the driver licence or learner permit has been cancelled or suspended by the Secretary or by a court.
29. The refund of fees paid in respect of driver licences issued under the Motor Car Act 1958 .
Regulation of the use of vehicles
30. The carrying of lights on vehicles and trailers.
31. The affixing and use of horns, bells or other similar devices on vehicles and trailers.
32. The affixing of brakes on vehicles and trailers.
33. The carrying of fire extinguishers on specified classes of vehicles and trailers.
34. Requirements relating to the construction, efficiency, performance, safety, roadworthiness, design of and the equipment to be carried on and the identification of vehicles and trailers.
35. The obtaining of a special permit before a motor vehicle or trailer of a specified mass and dimension may be used on highways and the conditions on which those permits may be granted.
36. The number of hours during which a person may drive motor vehicles or a class or classes of motor vehicles.
37. The carrying of a log book on specified classes of motor vehicles and trailers and the evidence that is sufficient to prove its existence.
Sch. 2 item 37A
inserted by No. 14/2000 s. 25(a), substituted by No.
74/2007 s. 28.
37A. The management of fatigue of drivers of fatigue regulated heavy vehicles, including—
(a) requirements relating to records and other documents to be kept in relation to the management of fatigue of drivers of fatigue regulated heavy vehicles; and
Sch. 2 item 37A(b) amended by No. 49/2019 s. 116(Sch. 1 item 225(c)).
(b) matters relating to work diaries including the approval of work diaries by the Secretary and the use and operation of work diaries;
(c) matters relevant to work time and rest time for drivers of fatigue regulated heavy vehicles, including how time is counted for the purposes of calculating work time and rest time;
(d) matters relating to the Fatigue Authorities Panel; and
Sch. 2 item 37A(e) amended by No. 49/2019 s. 116(Sch. 1 item 225(c)).
(e) the mutual recognition of decisions made by the Secretary, corresponding Authorities and the Fatigue Authorities Panel about the management of fatigue of drivers of fatigue regulated heavy vehicles and records relating to those decisions;
(f) matters relevant to the reconsideration of a decision made under Part 10A.
38. The carrying of loads on motor vehicles and trailers.
Sch. 2 item 38A inserted by No. 95/2005 s. 19.
Sch. 2 item 38B inserted by No. 95/2005 s. 19.
Sch. 2 item 39 amended by No. 94/2003 s. 22.
39. The use of devices or processes for determining the speed of motor vehicles.
Sch. 2 item 39A
inserted by No. 14/2000 s. 25(b), amended by No.
94/2003 s. 22.
39A. The manner in which images or messages produced by devices or processes referred to in item 39 are to be processed, stored, transferred, produced, re-configured or used to produce other forms of images or messages.
Sch. 2
item 39B inserted by No. 92/2001 s. 29(3), amended by Nos 94/2003
s. 24(2), 49/2019 s. 116(Sch. 1 item 225(c)).
39B. Requiring in specified circumstances (including where the Secretary is notified of the vehicle being detected exceeding a specified speed in another State or a Territory) the fitting and use of devices to limit the speed of a specified class of heavy vehicles.
Sch. 2
item 39C inserted by No. 92/2001 s. 29(3), amended by Nos 94/2003
s. 24(2), 49/2019 s. 116(Sch. 1 item 225(c)).
39C. Requiring in specified circumstances (including where the Secretary is notified of the vehicle being detected exceeding a specified speed in another State or a Territory) an owner of a heavy vehicle required to be fitted with a speed limiting device to demonstrate that the device is operating properly.
Sch. 2 item 39D inserted by No. 94/2003 s. 24(3).
39D. The circumstances in which a requirement referred to in item 39B or 39C applying to a heavy vehicle or to an owner of a heavy vehicle continues to apply to the vehicle or to an owner of the vehicle despite any transfer of registration since the imposing of the requirement.
40. The keeping of records of specified matters and their production for inspection.
Sch. 2 item 41 amended by Nos 44/1989 s. 41(Sch. 2 item 34.5), 49/2019 s. 116(Sch. 1 item 225(c)).
41. Prohibiting the sale of equipment designed or intended to be used in, or in connection with, vehicles if the equipment has not been approved by the Secretary.
Traffic regulation
42. The regulation and control of vehicular, animal or pedestrian traffic on highways.
43. Rules to be observed by drivers, people in charge of animals, vehicles or trailers, and pedestrians.
44. Maximum speeds for vehicles.
45. Signs and safety devices, and their siting, installation and maintenance.
46. Marks to be used on the surface of highways.
47. The legal effects of signs, devices and marks, and the evidence that is sufficient to prove their existence.
48. The control and reduction of causes of danger or of traffic congestion.
49. Regulating racing (including footracing), speed trials and other competitive events on highways (including highways that are temporarily closed-off).
Sch. 2
item 49A inserted by No. 78/1994 s. 7, repealed by
No. 30/2021 s. 69(4).
* * * * *
Sch. 2 item 49B
inserted by No. 14/2000 s. 25(c), amended by Nos
94/2003 s. 22, 28/2009 s. 54.
49B. The use of devices, systems or processes to detect offences committed against the Act, or regulations made with respect to the regulation and control of vehicular traffic on highways.
Sch. 2 item 49C
inserted by No. 14/2000 s. 25(c), amended by Nos
94/2003 s. 22, 28/2009 s. 54, 18/2022 s. 18.
49C. The manner in which images or messages produced by devices, systems or processes referred to in item 49B are to be processed, stored, disclosed, shared, transferred, produced, re‑configured, destroyed or used to produce other forms of images or messages, or used consistently with the Privacy and Data Protection Act 2014 .
Sch. 2 Heading preceding item 50 substituted by No. 111/2003 s. 22(a).
Alcohol or Other Drugs
50. Devices for the purposes of section 53; the handling, storage, use and maintenance of those devices; the precautions to be taken and the procedures and methods to be employed in the use of those devices for ensuring that they give accurate and reliable results.
51. The handling, storage, use and maintenance of breath analysing instruments used for the purposes of section 55 and the procedures and methods to be employed in the use of those instruments for ensuring that they give accurate and reliable results.
Sch. 2 item 51A inserted by No. 111/2003 s. 22(b).
51A. Devices for the purposes of sections 55D and 55E and the procedures to be employed in obtaining samples of oral fluid or carrying out tests under those sections.
Sch. 2 item 51B inserted by No. 111/2003 s. 22(b).
51B. The methods and conditions to be observed by persons carrying out procedures under section 55E for collecting oral fluid samples.
Sch. 2 item 51C inserted by No. 111/2003 s. 22(b).
51C. The delivering of portions of samples of oral fluid to the people who provided them and to the persons who required them to be provided.
Sch. 2 item 52 amended by Nos 23/1994 s. 118(Sch. 1 item 50.7), 14/2000 ss 15(1), 17(7).
52. The methods and conditions to be observed by registered medical practitioners and approved health professionals in collecting blood samples or urine samples.
Sch. 2 item 53 amended by No. 68/2017 s. 84.
53. The persons responsible for the safe-keeping of samples of blood taken under this Act and the methods of storage to be used by them.
Sch. 2 item 54 amended by Nos 37/2014 s. 10(Sch. item 147.53), 68/2017 s. 84.
54. The delivering of portions of samples of blood taken under this Act to the people from whom they are taken and to police officers.
55. The methods to be used by analysts in determining the concentration of alcohol in a blood sample.
Sch. 2 item 55A inserted by No. 14/2000 s. 15(2), amended by No. 111/2003 s. 22(c).
55A. The methods to be used by analysts in determining the presence of a substance in a blood, urine or oral fluid sample.
Sch. 2 item 56 amended by Nos 14/2000 s. 15(3), 111/2003 s. 22(c).
56. The procedures to be adopted in transmitting samples of blood, urine or oral fluid to an analyst for analysis.
Sch. 2 item 57 amended by Nos 14/2000 s. 15(3), 111/2003 s. 22(c).
57. The regulation and control of people concerned in the taking, safe-keeping, delivering and analysis of blood, urine or oral fluid samples.
Sch. 2 Heading preceding item 57AA inserted by No. 49/2014 s. 35.
Alcohol interlock usage data requirements
Sch. 2 item 57AA inserted by No. 49/2014 s. 35.
57AA. Requirements to be complied with in relation to an approved alcohol interlock including requirements—
(a) as to the period during which the alcohol interlock is to be installed in a motor vehicle; and
(b) as to the extent to which the alcohol interlock is to be used; and
(c) relating to attempts to start a motor vehicle in which the alcohol interlock is installed that fail because the alcohol interlock detects alcohol; and
(d) as to the alcohol interlock not being tampered with; and
(e) as to the payment of cost recovery fees when due for payment; and
(f) as to the alcohol interlock only being used by a person holding a driver licence or learner permit.
Sch. 2 Heading preceding item 57A inserted by No. 93/2005 s. 6.
Impoundment, immobilisation or forfeiture
Sch. 2 item 57A inserted by No. 93/2005 s. 6.
57A. The manner and circumstances in which a motor vehicle may be immobilised.
Sch. 2 item 57B inserted by No. 93/2005 s. 6.
57B. The matters that must be included in a notice issued under section 84K.
Sch. 2 item 57C inserted by No. 93/2005 s. 6.
57C. Procedures and requirements to be complied with before a motor vehicle or an item or thing left in or on a motor vehicle may be recovered.
Sch. 2 item 57D inserted by No. 93/2005 s. 6.
57D. The circumstances in which a motor vehicle is not eligible for an impoundment or immobilisation order or a forfeiture order under section 84S or 84T.
58. The matters for which fees are payable, the amount of those fees and the people by whom those fees are payable.
59. Prescribing the fee payable in respect of the performance of a function of a Regulatory Authority in respect of Victoria under the Interstate Road Transport Act 1985 of the Commonwealth (as amended and in force for the time being) by reference to the maximum fee specified in the regulations made under that Act (as amended and in force for the time being) in respect of the performance of that function.
Right of Appeal or Review
Sch. 2 item 60 amended by Nos 44/1989 s. 41(Sch. 2 item 34.5), 57/1998 s. 23, 49/2019 s. 116(Sch. 1 item 225(d)).
60. Conferring a right of appeal or review to a specified court or tribunal against any decision of the Secretary or the Head, Transport for Victoria and prescribing the procedures to be followed in those cases.
61. Forms.
Hazardous areas
Sch. 2 item 62 inserted by No. 58/1995 s. 18.
62. The declaration of areas as hazardous areas.
Sch. 2 item 63 inserted by No. 58/1995 s. 18, amended by No. 68/2017 s. 77(a).
63. The approval of persons to drive vehicles seating more than 9 people (driver included) in hazardous areas.
Sch. 2 item 64 inserted by No. 58/1995 s. 18, amended by No. 68/2017 s. 77(a).
64. The approval of vehicles seating more than 9 people (driver included) for use in hazardous areas.
Sch. 2 item 65 inserted by No. 58/1995 s. 18, amended by No. 68/2017 s. 77(a).
65. Otherwise prohibiting or regulating the use of vehicles seating more than 9 people (driver included) in hazardous areas.
Sch. 2 item 65A inserted by No. 68/2017 s. 77(b).
65A. The circumstances in which the driver of a motor vehicle must—
(a) carry wheel chains or other safety devices suitable for hazardous areas in the motor vehicle; and
(b) fit wheel chains or other safety devices suitable for hazardous areas to the motor vehicle.
Sch. 2 Heading preceding item 66 inserted by No. 63/1998 s. 6.
Driving instructor authorities
Sch. 2 item 66 inserted by No. 63/1998 s. 6.
66. Applications for driving instructor authorities and the revocation or suspension thereof.
Sch. 2 item 67 inserted by No. 63/1998 s. 6.
67. Procedures and requirements to be complied with before a driving instructor authority may be issued.
Sch. 2 item 68 inserted by No. 63/1998 s. 6.
68. Prescribing and regulating the conduct of holders of driving instructor authorities in respect of the teaching of persons to drive motor vehicles.
Sch. 2 item 69 inserted by No. 63/1998 s. 6.
69. The format of identity photographs of holders of driving instructor authorities.
Sch. 2 item 70 inserted by No. 63/1998 s. 6.
70. The location of identity photographs of holders of driving instructor authorities in motor vehicles that are used for teaching persons to drive.
Sch. 2 item 71 inserted by No. 63/1998 s. 6.
71. The conditions to which driving instructor authorities are subject.
Sch. 2 item 72 inserted by No. 63/1998 s. 6.
72. The date on which a driving instructor authority commences and the period for which it remains in force.
Sch. 2 item 73 inserted by No. 63/1998 s. 6.
73. Generally, all such matters as are authorised or permitted to be prescribed or are necessary or expedient to be prescribed for carrying section 33 into effect.
Sch. 2 Heading preceding item 74 inserted by No. 12/2004 s. 142(3).
Traffic management plans
Sch. 2 item 74 inserted by No. 12/2004 s. 142(3).
74. The making and contents of traffic management plans.
Sch. 2 item 75 inserted by No. 12/2004 s. 142(3).
75. The circumstances in which traffic management plans must be made.
Sch. 2 item 76 inserted by No. 12/2004 s. 142(3).
76. The types of warnings to be given for the purposes of section 99A(3)(b).
Sch. 2 item 77 inserted by No. 12/2004 s. 142(3).
77. The training and qualifications of persons for the purposes of section 99A(3)(c).
Sch. 2 Heading preceding item 78 inserted by No. 110/2004 s. 43.
Certification of pilot vehicle drivers
Sch. 2 item 78 inserted by No. 110/2004 s. 43.
78. Regulating the operation of pilot vehicles.
Sch. 2 item 79 inserted by No. 110/2004 s. 43.
79. Requiring the drivers of pilot vehicles to be certified.
Sch. 2 item 80 inserted by No. 110/2004 s. 43.
80. Applications for a pilot vehicle driver certificate, or for the variation, renewal or extension of such a certificate; the dates by which applications must be made; and the information and evidence to accompany applications.
Sch. 2 item 81 inserted by No. 110/2004 s. 43.
81. Requirements to be complied with before a pilot vehicle driver certificate may be granted, varied or renewed, including requirements concerning the driving records of applicants.
Sch. 2 item 82 inserted by No. 110/2004 s. 43.
82. The conditions on which a pilot vehicle driver certificate may be granted, varied or renewed.
Sch. 2 item 83 inserted by No. 110/2004 s. 43, amended by No. 49/2019 s. 116(Sch. 1 item 225(e)).
83. Authorising the Secretary to issue directions to the holders of pilot vehicle driver certificates.
Sch. 2 item 84 inserted by No. 110/2004 s. 43.
84. Recognising pilot vehicle driver certificates issued by other jurisdictions.
Sch. 2 item 85 inserted by No. 110/2004 s. 43, amended by No. 49/2019 s. 116(Sch. 1 item 225(e)).
85. The grounds on which a pilot vehicle driver certificate may be cancelled, suspended or varied by the Secretary; the procedures to be followed in such cases; and rights of review in such cases.
Sch. 2 item 86 inserted by No. 110/2004 s. 43, amended by No. 5/2016 s. 36(Sch. 1 item 57).
86. Doing anything else in relation to a pilot vehicle driver certificate that can be done in relation to a driver licence or learner permit.
Sch. 2 Heading preceding item 87 inserted by No. 8/2018 s. 12.
Sch. 2 item 87 inserted by No. 8/2018 s. 12.
87. Levels of driving automation applicable to automated vehicles.
Sch. 2 item 88 inserted by No. 8/2018 s. 12.
88. The circumstances in which, and the categories of motor vehicles for which, an ADS permit is required.
Sch. 2 item 89 inserted by No. 8/2018 s. 12.
89. Applications for an ADS permit or for the variation or renewal of an ADS permit; the dates by which applications must be made and the information and evidence to accompany applications.
Sch. 2 item 90 inserted by No. 8/2018 s. 12.
90. Requirements to be complied with before an ADS permit may be granted, varied or renewed.
Sch. 2 item 91 inserted by No. 8/2018 s. 12.
91. The conditions on which an ADS permit may be granted, varied or renewed.
Sch. 2 item 92 inserted by No. 8/2018 s. 12.
92. The date on which an ADS permit commences and the period for which it remains in force.
Sch. 2 item 93 inserted by No. 8/2018 s. 12.
93. The taking of photographs, or making of digitised images, for inclusion in ADS permit documents.
Sch. 2 item 94 inserted by No. 8/2018 s. 12.
94. The issue of duplicate ADS permit documents.
Sch. 2 item 95 inserted by No. 8/2018 s. 12.
95. Tests or assessments and driver training.
Sch. 2 item 96 inserted by No. 8/2018 s. 12.
96. Rules to be observed by vehicle supervisors.
Sch. 2 item 97 inserted by No. 8/2018 s. 12, amended by No. 49/2019 s. 116(Sch. 1 item 225(e)).
97. The grounds on which an ADS permit may be cancelled, suspended or varied by the Secretary and the procedures to be followed in such cases.
Sch. 2 item 98 inserted by No. 8/2018 s. 12, amended by No. 49/2019 s. 116(Sch. 1 item 225(e)).
98. The circumstances in which the Secretary is required to cancel, suspend or vary an ADS permit or refuse an application for a variation of an ADS permit and the procedures to be followed in those cases.
Sch. 2 item 99 inserted by No. 8/2018 s. 12, amended by No. 49/2019 s. 116(Sch. 1 item 225(e)).
99. The surrender of ADS permit documents if the ADS permit has been cancelled or suspended by the Secretary.
Sch. 2 item 100 inserted by No. 8/2018 s. 12.
100. Fees payable—
(a) in respect of an application for an ADS permit; or
Sch. 2 item 100(b) amended by No. 49/2019 s. 116(Sch. 1 item 225(e)).
(b) in respect of anything that the Secretary requires to be done under section 33C(3) before granting an ADS permit; or
(c) for the grant or renewal of an ADS permit; or
(d) for varying an ADS permit or the conditions to which an ADS permit is subject.
Sch. 3 repealed by No. 13/1992 s. 6,
new Sch. 3
inserted by No. 74/2007
s. 29 (as amended by No. 56/2008 s. 43), repealed by
No. 30/2013 s. 60(Sch. item 8.38).
* * * * *
Sch. 4 amended by Nos 54/1987 s. 16(4)(b), 65/1987 s. 25(1)(2),
78/1987 s. 21(a)–(e), 53/1989 s. 21(7)(a)–(c), 1/1993
s. 3(2), 84/1994 s. 61, repealed by No. 57/1998 s. 25(3),
Sch. 4 inserted by
No. 74/2007 s. 29 (as amended by No. 56/2008
s. 44), repealed by No. 30/2013 s. 60(Sch.
item 8.39).
* * * * *
Sch. 4A inserted by No. 74/2007 s. 29, repealed by No. 30/2013 s. 60(Sch. item 8.40).
* * * * *
Sch. 5
inserted by No. 53/1989 s. 20, substituted by No. 46/2002
s. 14, amended by No. 68/2017 s. 52.