(1) The Rooming House Register is to contain the following information in respect of each registered rooming house—
(a) the particulars prescribed under the Public Health and Wellbeing Act 2008 for the purposes of section 71(c) of that Act in relation to the registration of rooming houses;
(b) the information required under section 71(ca) of the Public Health and Wellbeing Act 2008 ;
(c) the conditions (if any) imposed under section 73(2) of the Public Health and Wellbeing Act 2008 to which a registration is subject;
(d) the date of expiry of the registration;
(e) if applicable, the date of, and grounds for, the cancellation, suspension, transfer or variation of registration of the rooming house under section 76 of the Public Health and Wellbeing Act 2008 ;
S. 142F(1)(f) amended by No. 45/2018 s. 122(1).
(f) the contact details of the operator of the rooming house premises;
(g) the contact details of the proprietor of the rooming house;
(h) any other prescribed particulars.
(2) The Rooming House Register is to contain the following information in respect of each rooming house for which registration has been cancelled or refused to be renewed—
(a) the information referred to in subsection (1)(a) and (b);
(b) the date of expiry of the registration before it was cancelled or renewal of that registration was refused;
(c) the date of, and grounds for, the cancellation or refusal to renew registration of the rooming house under section 76 of the Public Health and Wellbeing Act 2008 .
(3) The Rooming House Register may contain the following information in respect of each rooming house for which an application for registration has been refused to be issued—
(a) the date of the application for registration;
(b) the address of the rooming house;
(c) the reasons for the refusal of registration;
(d) if the applicant is a body corporate, its name and ABN or ACN;
(e) if the applicant is an individual, the applicant's name and ABN or date of birth.
S. 142F(4) amended by No. 45/2018 s. 122(2).
(4) The Director may record information in the Rooming House Register about an exemption granted by the Director to a rooming house operator from a rooming house standard.
S. 142G inserted by No. 56/2012 s. 17.