(1) It shall be the duty of the Surveyor-General—
(a) to advise the proper officer of any department or public authority or any licensed surveyor of all registered plans and of all proposed surveys which may render unnecessary or limit the scope of any survey proposed to be carried out by or on behalf of such department or authority or by such licensed surveyor; and
(b) to take all such steps as may be expedient for avoiding unnecessary duplication of surveys, including—
(i) the carrying out for or on behalf of and with the consent of any two or more departments or public authorities of any survey which may be required by such departments or authorities; or
(ii) the arranging for the carrying out with the consent of the departments and public authorities concerned of any such survey by any one such department or authority—
upon such terms as to payment of the costs of such survey as are agreed upon by such departments or authorities and the Surveyor-General or, in default of such agreement, as are fixed by Order of the Governor in Council.
(2) Notwithstanding anything in any other Act or enactment and without affecting the generality of any of the provisions of this Act, every department and public authority is hereby authorized—
(a) to carry out all such surveys and to do all such acts and things as are directed or authorized by or under this Act in all respects as if such surveys acts or things were part of the ordinary functions of such department or authority; and
(b) generally to co-operate with the Surveyor-General and with the Commonwealth survey authority for the co-ordination of surveys in Victoria, the avoidance of unnecessary duplication of surveys and the facilitation of the Commonwealth national mapping scheme.
No. 4732 s. 14.