In this Act—
S. 3 def. of Admini-strative Appeals Tribunal repealed by No. 101/1998 s. 34(a).
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S. 3 def. of alcoholic repealed by No. 43/2010 s. 49(1)(a) (as amended by No. 29/2011 s. 3(Sch. 1 item 86.2)).
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S. 3 def. of approved person inserted by No. 22/2022 s. 168(1).
"approved person" means a person approved under section 3C ;
S. 3 def. of Australian legal practitioner inserted by
No. 71/2014 s. 24,
repealed by No. 71/2014 s. 38.
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"Board" means the Veterinary Practitioners Registration Board of Victoria established under Part 6;
S. 3 def. of drug-dependent person repealed by No. 43/2010 s. 49(1)(a) (as amended by No. 29/2011 s. 3(Sch. 1 item 86.2)).
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"Fund" means the Veterinary Practitioners Registration Board Fund established under Part 7;
S. 3 def. of interstate right to practise inserted by No. 35/2009 s. 109(1).
"interstate right to practise" means a right to carry on or engage in veterinary practice in another State or a Territory, being the equivalent of general registration under section 6;
S. 3 def. of interstate veterinary registration authority inserted by No. 35/2009 s. 109(1).
"interstate veterinary registration authority" means a person or body conferred with the function or power under a law of another State or a Territory to confer or grant a right to carry on or engage in veterinary practice in that State or Territory, being the equivalent of registration as a veterinary practitioner under this Act;
S. 3 def. of lawyer amended by No. 17/2014 s. 160(Sch. 2 item 102).
"lawyer" means an Australian lawyer;
S. 3 def. of principal place of residence inserted by No. 71/2014 s. 24.
"principal place of residence" includes sole place of residence;
"register" means the register of veterinary practitioners kept under Part 2;
S. 3 def. of registered medical practitioner amended by No. 97/2005 s. 182(Sch. 4 item 53.1), substituted by No. 13/2010 s. 51(Sch. item 58.1).
"registered medical practitioner "means a person registered under the Health Practitioner Regulation National Law to practise in the medical profession (other than as a student);
S. 3 def. of registered veterinary practitioner substituted by No. 35/2009 s. 109(2), amended by No. 22/2022 s. 168(3).
"registered veterinary practitioner "means—
(a) a person registered under Part 2 (whether or not the registration of that person is general or specific); or
(ab) a person whose name has been restored to the register under section 13 ; or
(b) a person deemed to be registered by operation of section 3A;
S. 3 def. of Secretary inserted by No. 103/2003 s. 45(a), amended by Nos 108/2004 s. 117(1) (Sch. 3 item 214.1), 70/2013 s. 4(Sch. 2 item 54), 22/2022 s. 168(4).
"Secretary" means the person who is, for the time being, the Department Head (within the meaning of the Public Administration Act 2004 ) of the Department of Jobs, Precincts and Regions;
S. 3 def. of severe substance dependence inserted by No. 43/2010 s. 49(1)(b) (as amended by No. 29/2011 s. 3(Sch. 1 item 86.2)).
"severe substance dependence" has the same meaning as in section 5 of the Severe Substance Dependence Treatment Act 2010 ;
S. 3 def. of unpro-fessional conduct amended by Nos 103/2003 s. 45(b), 22/2022 s. 168(2).
"unprofessional conduct" means all or any of the following—
(a) professional conduct which is of a lesser standard than that which the public might reasonably expect of a registered veterinary practitioner;
(b) professional conduct which is of a lesser standard than that which might reasonably be expected of a veterinary practitioner by his or her peers;
(c) professional misconduct;
(d) infamous conduct in a professional respect;
(e) providing veterinary services of a kind that are excessive, unnecessary or not reasonably required for an animal's well-being;
(f) a finding of guilt of—
(i) an indictable offence in Victoria, or an equivalent offence in another jurisdiction;
(ii) an offence which, in the opinion of the Board, makes the veterinary practitioner unfit to be a registered veterinary practitioner;
(iii) an offence under this Act or the regulations;
(iv) an offence as a veterinary practitioner under any other Act or regulations;
(g) influencing or attempting to influence the conduct of a veterinary practice in such a way that an animal's well-being may be compromised;
(h) the contravention of or failure to comply with a condition, limitation or restriction on the registration of a veterinary practitioner imposed by or under this Act unless, in the case of a veterinary practitioner whose registration is subject to the condition of being supervised, the supervisor is changed or unable to continue supervising the veterinary practitioner;
See section 7AA for the cancellation of the specific registration of a veterinary practitioner if there is a condition, limitation or restriction imposed on the registration and this condition cannot be complied with.
"veterinary practice" means the practise of veterinary surgery and veterinary medicine.
S. 3A inserted by No. 35/2009 s. 110.