(1) A person who is registered under this Part may apply to the PRS Board for renewal of registration.
Applications are to be made to the Registration Division of the PRS Board, which performs the PRS Board's registration functions (see sections 202(1)(a) and 203(a)).
(2) An application for renewal must—
(a) be in writing in the form approved by the PRS Board; and
(b) contain the information required by the PRS Board; and
(c) be accompanied by satisfactory evidence of—
(i) the applicant's good character and reputation; and
(ii) the applicant's qualifications and experience prescribed by the regulations for registration at a specified rank; and
(iii) the applicant's aptitude and efficiency required to perform as a police officer at a specified rank; and
(d) be accompanied by the prescribed fee.
(3) If the PRS Board has not decided a person's application for renewal of registration before the date that the registration would expire (but for this subsection), the registration continues until the later of—
(a) the time when the PRS Board renews the person's registration; or
(b) the time when the PRS Board gives the person a notice of its refusal to renew the person's registration.
(4) A function of the PRS Board under subsection (2)(a) and (b) may be performed by the President of the PRS Board or the Deputy President of the Registration Division.