(1) The conditions that may be specified in a determination under section 132(1)(b)(ii) ( specified conditions ) include, but are not limited to, the following—
(a) if the breach of discipline relates to the result of a test conducted in accordance with a testing direction given to the officer, that the officer be further tested for the presence of alcohol or a drug of dependence at reasonable times and places—
(i) as specified in the determination; or
(ii) as later determined by the Chief Commissioner;
(b) that the officer complete a training, education or professional development program, which may include arrangements for the officer to do one or both of the following—
(i) receive coaching or mentoring in the performance of the officer's duties;
(ii) receive a higher level of supervision in the performance of the officer's duties;
(c) that the officer complete a health and wellbeing program;
(d) that the officer take action to address harm caused by the breach of discipline, which may include arrangements for the officer to do one or more of the following—
(i) complete community service activities;
(ii) donate to a charity or other not‑for‑profit organisation;
(iii) apologise in writing to any person affected by the breach of discipline;
(iv) participate in mediation or a facilitated conversation with any person affected by the breach of discipline.
(2) A specified condition must be reasonably connected to the conduct of the officer that constituted the breach of discipline.
(3) Subject to subsection (4), a specified condition may be imposed for a period not exceeding 12 months.
(4) A specified condition referred to in subsection (1)(a) may be imposed for a period not exceeding 2 years.
(5) A specified condition referred to in subsection (1)(a) is taken to be a testing direction given under Part 5.
See, in particular, Divisions 6 and 7 of Part 5 and section 232.