(1) If an appeal is lodged, the Chief Commissioner must lodge the selection file in relation to the promotion or transfer with the PRS Board within 2 business days after the day on which he or she is notified under section 156(2) of the lodging of an appeal.
(2) Neither the Chief Commissioner nor the appellant may lodge any other document with the PRS Board concerning the appeal unless the PRS Board, being of the opinion that there are exceptional circumstances, gives leave.
(3) The PRS Board must hear and determine the appeal within 5 business days after the selection file is lodged under subsection (1).
S. 145(4) amended by No. 54/2016 s. 13.
(4) If the appellant cannot appear at a hearing of the PRS Board on the appeal of which reasonable notice has been given, the appellant may—
(a) elect to have the appeal heard and determined in his or her absence; or
(b) withdraw the appeal.
(5) If the appellant makes an election under subsection (4)(a) or fails to make an election or withdraw the appeal before the date of the hearing, the PRS Board may hear and determine the appeal in the absence of the appellant.
Division 2—Reviews