(1) The following are not admissible as evidence in any proceeding—
(a) a document, including any copy of or extract from the document, that was—
(i) prepared by the Secretary in connection with the administration of the scheme or an application for a scheme determination; or
(ii) prepared by a person (other than the applicant) in connection with an action to give effect to a scheme determination;
(b) anything disclosed in connection with an application or an action to give effect to a scheme determination.
(2) The following documents are not admissible as evidence in any civil proceeding, except with the consent of the applicant to which they relate—
(a) an application for a scheme determination;
(b) a statutory declaration accompanying the application;
(c) an application for internal review;
(d) a document prepared by an applicant in response to a request for further information.
(3) A person cannot be required, by subpoena, summons or otherwise, to produce a document, or a copy of or extract from that document, or to give evidence that is inadmissible under this section.
Division 5—Repeal of this Part
S. 174R inserted by No. 37/2022 s. 20, amended by No. 2/2024 s. 55.