(1) A police officer or protective services officer on duty may remove a person from or prevent a person from returning to police premises or the vicinity of police premises if—
(a) the person refuses or fails to comply with a direction given under section 59A(2); or
(b) the person hinders or obstructs the police officer or protective services officer in the exercise of a power under section 59A; or
(c) the person obstructs an entry to or exit from, or access to, the police premises; or
(d) the police officer or protective services officer believes on reasonable grounds that the person has committed an offence under this Act.
(2) A police officer or protective services officer on duty may arrest without warrant a person on or in the vicinity of police premises if—
(a) the person refuses or fails to comply with a direction given under section 59A(2); or
(b) the person hinders or obstructs the police officer or protective services officer in the exercise of a power under section 59A; or
(c) the police officer or protective services officer believes on reasonable grounds that the person has committed an offence under this Act.
(3) If a protective services officer arrests a person under subsection (2), the protective services officer must hand the person into the custody of a police officer as soon as practicable after the person is arrested.
(4) A police officer or protective services officer on duty may use reasonable and necessary force in exercising a power under this section.
S. 59C inserted by No. 37/2022 s. 15.