S. 25(1) amended
by Nos 90/1989
s. 14(c), 70/1990
s. 6(1)(f), 87/1997
s. 11.
(1) Every licence referred to in section 22 shall, unless sooner cancelled, suspended or surrendered under this Act, remain in force for the period specified in the licence but not in any case exceeding three years.
S. 25(2) amended by Nos 41/1987 s. 103(Sch. 4 item 76.30), 90/1989
s. 14(c), substituted by No. 70/1990 s. 6(7),
amended by
No. 87/1997
s. 42(Sch.
item 17(a)), substituted by No. 24/2014 s. 33(1).
(2) An application for the renewal of a wildlife licence must be—
(a) made in the prescribed manner; and
(b) made to—
(i) if the wildlife licence is in respect of specified birds, the Game Management Authority; or
(ii) in any other case, the Secretary.
S. 25(3) amended by Nos 41/1987 s. 103(Sch. 4 item 76.30), 70/1990
s. 6(1)(g),
s. 42(Sch.
item 17(b)), 24/2014 s. 33(2).
(3) Every renewal shall be subject to such conditions, limitations, and restrictions as are prescribed or as the Secretary or the Game Management Authority (as appropriate) thinks fit and are expressed or referred to in the licence.
S. 25(4) amended by Nos 41/1987 s. 103(Sch. 4 item 76.30), 90/1989
s. 14(c),
s. 42(Sch.
item 17(c)), substituted by No. 24/2014 s. 33(3).
(4) The Secretary may vary a wildlife licence (other than a wildlife licence in respect of specified birds) at any time by notice in writing sent by post to the holder of the licence.
S. 25(5) inserted by No. 24/2014 s. 33(3).
(5) The Game Management Authority may vary a wildlife licence in respect of specified birds at any time by notice in writing sent by post to the holder of the licence.
S. 25A (Heading) inserted by No. 24/2014 s. 34(1).
S. 25A inserted by No. 87/1997
s. 12(1).