(1) If an Authority that has been appointed as the storage manager of any land under this Part, does not hold a proprietary interest in the whole or part of the land described in the instrument appointing the storage manager, the Authority must enter into an agreement with the owner of the land as to the management of the land.
(2) An agreement under subsection (1)—
(a) must be in writing; and
(b) must be consistent with this Act; and
(c) may be amended from time to time by further written agreement between the parties.
(3) An agreement under subsection (1) must set out procedures to be followed to prevent or settle disputes concerning the management of the land specified in the instrument of appointment of the Authority that arise between the parties during the currency of the agreement, including the submission of any unresolved disputes to the Minister for a decision that is binding on the parties.
S. 122ZN inserted by No. 85/2006 s. 54.