(1) Except as this Rule otherwise provides, a document to be filed in the Court is to be filed electronically in accordance with Part 2 in—
(a) a pdf version; or
(b) any other form approved by the Registrar.
(2) The Court may order, or the Registrar may direct, in relation to any or all documents in a proceeding or a part of a proceeding, that the documents be filed—
(a) in the office of the Registrar or, where a proceeding is commenced in an office of the Court outside Melbourne, in that office; or
(b) with the proper officer in court; or
(c) in any other manner that the Court or the Registrar considers appropriate.
(3) Subject to any order of the Court, any document under the Adoption Act 1984 or any rules or regulations under that Act must not be filed electronically in accordance with Part 2.
(4) A document that, under paragraph (3), must not be filed electronically in accordance with Part 2, is filed by filing it—
(a) in the office of the Registrar or, where a proceeding is commenced in an office of the Court outside Melbourne, in that office; or
(b) with the proper officer in court.