Before proceeding to investigate a complaint, the Authority must be satisfied that—
(a) the complainant has first raised the complaint with—
(i) in the case of a complaint against a registered school, the relevant person or body under any formal system for complaints established by the school or, if there is no formal system, the principal of the school; or
(ii) in the case of a complaint against a person, body or school registered under Division 3 or 4 of Part 4.3 of the Act, the relevant person or body, the principal or the governing body of the registered education and training provider; and
(b) the relevant person, body or school referred to in paragraph (a)—
(i) has been given a reasonable time to respond to the complaint; and
(ii) has failed to—
(A) respond to the complaint; or
(B) resolve the complaint to the complainant's satisfaction.
The Authority also has power under Part 4.3 of the Act to review and evaluate the operations of a school to determine whether the school has attained and continues to attain the prescribed minimum standards for registration and to conduct compliance audits of RTOs.