(1) The method for measuring the size of a fishing net is as follows—
(a) the length of a net is to be measured along the float line on which the net is hung;
(b) the depth of a net is the distance from the float line to the lead line of the net.
(2) The method for measuring the size of the mesh of a fishing net is as follows—
(a) a knot of the mesh is to be designated knot 1, the next knot to the right on the same line is knot 2, the knot immediately below knot 2 is knot 3 and the knot to the left of knot 3 on the same line is knot 4 (so that with the net open, knot 1 is diagonally opposite knot 3 and knot 2 is diagonally opposite knot 4);
(b) the mesh is to be closed by bringing knot 2 into contact with knot 4;
(c) the distance from the centre of knot 1 to the centre of knot 3 is to be measured.
(3) The size of the mesh of a fishing net is the distance referred to in subregulation (2)(c) in relation to that net.
(4) If there is a dispute or doubt concerning the measurement of the mesh size of a fishing net, the net is to be hung vertically and a 1 kilogram weight is to be suspended from knot 3 before the measurement is made.
(5) For the purpose of making a measurement under this regulation, it does not matter whether the fishing net is wet or dry.