For the purposes of section 72(1)(a) of the Act, the eligibility criteria that an applicant must satisfy are—
(a) the applicant is carrying out the activity on behalf of a post-secondary education institution, a scientific institution, a research institution or a public museum and the activity is directly related to the work of that institution or museum; or
(b) the applicant is a student of a post-secondary education institution and the activity is directly related to research to be carried out by the student in the course of the student's education at that institution; or
(c) the applicant is, or is acting on behalf of a person who is, authorised under the Act or these Regulations to conduct an aquaculture activity that relates to the protected aquatic biota and the application is to facilitate that activity; or
(d) the applicant is responsible for the preparation of an environment effects statement or a supplementary statement under the Environment Effects Act 1978 and the activity is necessary for or related to the preparation of that statement; or
(e) the applicant is authorised by a consent under Division 2 of Part 7 of the Marine and Coastal Act 2018 to carry out a dredging operation that may affect the protected aquatic biota and the application relates to that activity.
Division 2—Noxious aquatic species permits