(1) The licence holder must ensure that any of the following equipment that is used by the licence holder is attached to a surface buoy, flag, stake or other object that is clearly and legibly marked with the licence number of the licence holder's licence—
(a) any trap, crab pot, longline, commercial hoop net or mesh net;
(b) any fleet or line of mesh nets, commercial hoop nets or pots;
(c) any cage or coff used for the purpose of holding fish.
(2) The licence holder must ensure that any rock lobster pot used by the licence holder is attached to a surface buoy or flag that is marked with the registration number of the boat used in the setting of that equipment.
(3) The licence holder must ensure that any yabby pot used by the licence holder is attached to a surface buoy that is marked with the licence number of the licence holder's licence.
(4) The licence holder must ensure that any fleet or line of octopus pots or octopus trigger traps set by the licence holder is attached to a surface buoy that is marked with the licence number of the licence holder's licence.
(5) The licence holder must ensure that equipment referred to in subregulation (1), (2), (3) or (4) does not contain any markings other than the licence number of the licence holder's licence or registration number of the boat as appropriate.
Division 6—Conditions applicable to certain commercial fishery licences
Subdivision 1—General