An employer or self-employed person must keep a record of any inspection and maintenance carried out on the following plant for the period that the employer or self-employed person has management or control of the plant—
(a) the plant referred to in clauses 1.3, 1.5, 1.14, 1.15 and 1.16 of Schedule 2;
(b) amusement structures to which AS 3533.1—Amusement rides and devices—Part 1: Design and construction applies, other than amusement structures determined by AS 3533.1 to be class 1;
(c) boilers with a hazard level A, B or C as determined by AS 4343 Pressure equipment—Hazard levels;
(d) lifts;
(e) tower cranes;
(f) pressure vessels with a hazard level A, B or C as determined by AS 4343 Pressure equipment—Hazard levels, other than—
(i) gas cylinders to which AS 2030—Gas Cylinders applies; and
See the definition of AS 2030—Gas Cylinders which encompasses AS 2030.1, AS 2030.2, AS 2030.4 and AS 2030.5.
(ii) liquefied
petroleum gas fuel vessels for automotive use to which
3509—LP Gas fuel vessels for automotive use applies; and
(iii) serially produced vessels to which AS 2971—Serially produced pressure vessels applies.
Penalty: 60 penalty units for a natural person;
300 penalty units for a body corporate.