(1) An employer must arrange for an appropriate medical examination to be conducted by a registered medical practitioner for each employee engaged in ongoing asbestos-related activities if there is a risk of exposure to airborne asbestos fibres in excess of one half of the asbestos exposure standard.
Act compliance—section 22(1) (see regulation 7).
(2) Respiratory protective equipment must not be taken into account in establishing whether there is a risk of exposure to airborne asbestos fibres in excess of one half of the asbestos exposure standard.
(3) An employer must ensure that atmospheric monitoring is provided if there is uncertainty (based on reasonable grounds) as to whether a medical examination may be required under this Division.
Act compliance—section 22(1) (see regulation 7).
(4) An employer must ensure that medical examinations are provided to an employee—
(a) at intervals of not more than 2 years; and
(b) within 30 days after the employee has ceased an asbestos-related activity, unless the employee has had a medical examination within the preceding year.
Act compliance—section 22(1) (see regulation 7).
(5) In this regulation the duties of an employer in relation to medical examinations extend to an independent contractor.
Act compliance—section 23 (see regulation 7).