(1) The operator of a prescribed mine at which Schedule 14 materials are present, or likely to be present, in a quantity exceeding 10% of their threshold quantity must notify the Authority of this circumstance in accordance with this regulation.
1 Act compliance—sections 21, 23 and 26 (see regulation 7).
2 Threshold quantity is defined in regulation 5.
(2) The notice under subregulation (1) must be given within 30 days after the operator becomes aware, or ought reasonably to have become aware, of the circumstance giving rise to the requirement to notify.
(3) Without limiting regulation 532, the notice must contain the information specified in Schedule 18 with all necessary adaptations to the circumstance described in subregulation (1) that give rise to the requirement to notify.
Reg. 423B inserted by S.R. No. 176/2018 reg. 7.