(1) A person must not get on, or into, a moving vehicle unless—
(a) the person is engaged in the door-to-door delivery or collection of goods, or in the collection of waste or garbage, and is required to get in or out of the vehicle, or on or off the vehicle, at frequent intervals; and
(b) the vehicle is not travelling at a speed over 5 kilometres per hour.
Penalty: 2 penalty units.
Rule 237(2) amended by S.R. No. 135/2021 rule 65(1).
(2) This rule does not apply to a person who is getting on or off a bicycle, an electric scooter or animal.
Note 1 to rule 237(2) amended by S.R. No. 135/2021 rule 65(2).
1 Bicycle and electric scooter are defined in the dictionary.
2 Rule 269(1) prohibits a person getting off, or out of, a moving vehicle.