(1) A licensed surveyor must ensure that—
(a) the recording of cadastral survey information gathered in the field is undertaken in a systematic manner and is readily comprehensible; and
(b) information in the field records includes—
(i) a list identifying the instruments used; and
(ii) all measurements made in the field; and
(iii) sufficient information to prepare an abstract of field records; and
(c) all field records are kept readily available for submission to, or perusal by, any person authorised by the Surveyor-General to do so.
(2) A licensed surveyor must ensure that the information to be recorded in an abstract of field records of a cadastral survey provides—
(a) clear details of the cadastral survey datum; and
Reg. 12(2)(b) amended by S.R. No. 189/2018 reg. 7.
(b) the Map Grid of Australia 2020 (MGA2020) relationship to the cadastral survey datum as appropriate; and
Reg. 12(2)(c) amended by S.R. No. 189/2018 reg. 7.
(c) bearings on the Map Grid of Australia 2020 (MGA2020) datum as appropriate; and
(d) boundaries and dimensions of the subject land, adjacent parcels and road alignments as appropriate; and
(e) the method of marking the perimeter boundaries of the subject land; and
(f) any relevant information external to the subject land which has aided in the determination of boundaries and the relationship with existing and new survey marks.
(3) A licensed surveyor must ensure that—
(a) a plan of a cadastral survey is prepared using conventional signs and symbols; and
(b) the plan clearly portrays—
(i) all relevant information from the abstract of field records which relates to the boundaries of the subject land and road alignments; and
(ii) any registered easements or reservations or conditions in the nature of an easement which relate to the subject land.