(1) A licensed surveyor who prepares an abstract of field records, which the surveyor knows is required for lodging with the Surveyor-General or the Registrar of Titles, must prepare, sign and date a detailed survey report to accompany that abstract.
(2) The report must—
(a) set out the relevant facts concerning abuttals and encumbrances, existing occupation details, relationship with other relevant cadastral surveys and the manner in which the boundaries of the subject land have been determined; and
(b) provide details of the calibration of the measuring equipment used in the cadastral survey; and
(c) specify whether the connection of the survey to permanent marks and primary cadastral marks required by regulation 11(3) has been made or postponed in accordance with regulation 11(4); and
(d) if the survey was performed by methods other than direct determination of directions and distances, include information about the method and procedures used.
(3) A report that has been lodged with the Surveyor-General or the Registrar of Titles must, at the request of the Surveyor-General or the Registrar of Titles (as the case requires), be accompanied by—
(a) a copy of any computations made by the licensed surveyor that are associated with the survey and determination of the boundaries; and
(b) a copy of any mathematical or other information considered necessary by the Surveyor-General or the Registrar of Titles that is associated with the survey and determination of the boundaries.